
By type

          2022-03-16 05:02:11,481 - INFO  [main                ] org.onap.cps.Application - Starting Application using Java on onap-cps-core-6b8665b9c5-qsw9j with PID 1 (/app/classes started by ? in /app)
2022-03-16 05:02:11,493 - INFO  [main                ] org.onap.cps.Application - The following profiles are active: helm
2022-03-16 05:02:16,993 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate - Bootstrapping Spring Data JPA repositories in DEFAULT mode.
2022-03-16 05:02:17,269 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate - Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 255 ms. Found 5 JPA repository interfaces.
2022-03-16 05:02:18,184 - INFO  [main                ] - BeanFactory id=d72a31e1-ac21-3e8a-8687-73b75b9b72e0
2022-03-16 05:02:18,596 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'org.springframework.retry.annotation.RetryConfiguration' of type [org.springframework.retry.annotation.RetryConfiguration] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-03-16 05:02:19,413 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'management.metrics-org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.MetricsProperties' of type [org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.MetricsProperties] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-03-16 05:02:19,424 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean '' of type [] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-03-16 05:02:19,435 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.prometheus.PrometheusMetricsExportAutoConfiguration' of type [org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.prometheus.PrometheusMetricsExportAutoConfiguration] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-03-16 05:02:19,457 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'management.metrics.export.prometheus-org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.prometheus.PrometheusProperties' of type [org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.prometheus.PrometheusProperties] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-03-16 05:02:19,471 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'prometheusConfig' of type [org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.prometheus.PrometheusPropertiesConfigAdapter] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-03-16 05:02:19,506 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'collectorRegistry' of type [io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-03-16 05:02:19,526 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.MetricsAutoConfiguration' of type [org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.MetricsAutoConfiguration] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-03-16 05:02:19,537 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'micrometerClock' of type [io.micrometer.core.instrument.Clock$1] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-03-16 05:02:19,592 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'prometheusMeterRegistry' of type [io.micrometer.prometheus.PrometheusMeterRegistry] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-03-16 05:02:19,663 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'repositoryTagsProvider' of type [] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-03-16 05:02:19,673 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean 'metricsRepositoryMethodInvocationListener' of type [] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2022-03-16 05:02:20,029 - INFO  [main                ] org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @15418ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
2022-03-16 05:02:20,646 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.b.w.e.j.JettyServletWebServerFactory - Server initialized with port: 8080
2022-03-16 05:02:20,658 - INFO  [main                ] org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-9.4.41.v20210516; built: 2021-05-16T23:56:28.993Z; git: 98607f93c7833e7dc59489b13f3cb0a114fb9f4c; jvm
2022-03-16 05:02:20,731 - INFO  [main                ] o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler.application - Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
2022-03-16 05:02:20,732 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.b.w.s.c.ServletWebServerApplicationContext - Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 9002 ms
2022-03-16 05:02:21,317 - WARN  [main                ] o.s.h.c.j.Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder - For Jackson Kotlin classes support please add "com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin" to the classpath
2022-03-16 05:02:21,584 - INFO  [main                ] org.eclipse.jetty.server.session - DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0
2022-03-16 05:02:21,584 - INFO  [main                ] org.eclipse.jetty.server.session - No SessionScavenger set, using defaults
2022-03-16 05:02:21,586 - INFO  [main                ] org.eclipse.jetty.server.session - node0 Scavenging every 600000ms
2022-03-16 05:02:21,600 - INFO  [main                ] o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - Started o.s.b.w.e.j.JettyEmbeddedWebAppContext@c697186{application,/,[file:///tmp/jetty-docbase.8080.8949086304605194289/, jar:file:/app/libs/swagger-ui-3.49.0.jar!/META-INF/resources],AVAILABLE}
2022-03-16 05:02:21,601 - INFO  [main                ] org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - Started @16992ms
2022-03-16 05:02:22,193 - INFO  [main                ] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2022-03-16 05:02:22,749 - INFO  [main                ] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2022-03-16 05:02:23,688 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.database - Set default schema name to cps
2022-03-16 05:02:25,163 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.lockservice - Successfully acquired change log lock
2022-03-16 05:02:26,091 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Creating database history table with name: cps.databasechangelog
2022-03-16 05:02:26,353 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Reading from cps.databasechangelog
2022-03-16 05:02:27,298 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Table anchor created
2022-03-16 05:02:27,311 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-1::cps ran successfully in 266ms
2022-03-16 05:02:27,589 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Table relation created
2022-03-16 05:02:27,598 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-2::cps ran successfully in 110ms
2022-03-16 05:02:27,931 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Table relation_type created
2022-03-16 05:02:27,968 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-3::cps ran successfully in 343ms
2022-03-16 05:02:28,188 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Table fragment created
2022-03-16 05:02:28,200 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-4::cps ran successfully in 175ms
2022-03-16 05:02:28,485 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Table schema_set created
2022-03-16 05:02:28,492 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-5::cps ran successfully in 233ms
2022-03-16 05:02:28,657 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Table yang_resource created
2022-03-16 05:02:28,679 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-6::cps ran successfully in 127ms
2022-03-16 05:02:28,801 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Table dataspace created
2022-03-16 05:02:28,820 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-7::cps ran successfully in 120ms
2022-03-16 05:02:28,967 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Table schema_node created
2022-03-16 05:02:28,973 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-8::cps ran successfully in 138ms
2022-03-16 05:02:29,066 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Table schema_set_yang_resources created
2022-03-16 05:02:29,072 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-9::cps ran successfully in 39ms
2022-03-16 05:02:29,138 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Index FKI_ANCHOR_SCHEMA_SET_ID_FK created
2022-03-16 05:02:29,158 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-10::cps ran successfully in 61ms
2022-03-16 05:02:29,259 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Unique constraint added to anchor(dataspace_id, name)
2022-03-16 05:02:29,262 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-11::cps ran successfully in 84ms
2022-03-16 05:02:29,405 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Foreign key constraint added to fragment (anchor_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:29,415 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-12::cps ran successfully in 136ms
2022-03-16 05:02:29,485 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Index FKI_RELATIONS_FROM_ID_FK created
2022-03-16 05:02:29,491 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-13::cps ran successfully in 38ms
2022-03-16 05:02:29,569 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Index FKI_RELATIONS_TO_ID_FK created
2022-03-16 05:02:29,579 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-14::cps ran successfully in 66ms
2022-03-16 05:02:29,642 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Index FKI_RELATION_TYPE_ID_FK created
2022-03-16 05:02:29,646 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-15::cps ran successfully in 40ms
2022-03-16 05:02:29,772 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Primary key added to relation (to_fragment_id, from_fragment_id, relation_type_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:29,784 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-16::cps ran successfully in 84ms
2022-03-16 05:02:29,840 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Index FKI_FRAGMENT_ANCHOR_ID_FK created
2022-03-16 05:02:29,851 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-17::cps ran successfully in 47ms
2022-03-16 05:02:29,933 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Index FKI_FRAGMENT_DATASPACE_ID_FK created
2022-03-16 05:02:29,939 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-18::cps ran successfully in 68ms
2022-03-16 05:02:29,980 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Index FKI_FRAGMENT_PARENT_ID_FK created
2022-03-16 05:02:29,991 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-19::cps ran successfully in 34ms
2022-03-16 05:02:30,067 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Index FKI_SCHEMA_NODE_ID_TO_ID created
2022-03-16 05:02:30,078 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-20::cps ran successfully in 53ms
2022-03-16 05:02:30,186 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Index UQ_FRAGMENT_XPATH created
2022-03-16 05:02:30,197 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-21::cps ran successfully in 72ms
2022-03-16 05:02:30,367 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Unique constraint added to fragment(dataspace_id, anchor_id, xpath)
2022-03-16 05:02:30,380 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-22::cps ran successfully in 139ms
2022-03-16 05:02:30,463 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Foreign key constraint added to relation (from_fragment_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:30,471 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-23::cps ran successfully in 60ms
2022-03-16 05:02:30,578 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Foreign key constraint added to relation (to_fragment_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:30,581 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-24::cps ran successfully in 74ms
2022-03-16 05:02:30,715 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Unique constraint added to schema_set(name, dataspace_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:30,724 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-25::cps ran successfully in 95ms
2022-03-16 05:02:30,770 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Foreign key constraint added to schema_set_yang_resources (schema_set_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:30,777 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-26::cps ran successfully in 38ms
2022-03-16 05:02:30,873 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Unique constraint added to yang_resource(checksum)
2022-03-16 05:02:30,891 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-27::cps ran successfully in 73ms
2022-03-16 05:02:31,056 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Unique constraint added to dataspace(name)
2022-03-16 05:02:31,073 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-28::cps ran successfully in 138ms
2022-03-16 05:02:31,183 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Foreign key constraint added to fragment (dataspace_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:31,202 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-29::cps ran successfully in 89ms
2022-03-16 05:02:31,351 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Foreign key constraint added to schema_set (dataspace_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:31,367 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-30::cps ran successfully in 106ms
2022-03-16 05:02:31,475 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Index PERF_SCHEMA_NODE_SCHEMA_NODE_ID created
2022-03-16 05:02:31,516 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-31::cps ran successfully in 128ms
2022-03-16 05:02:31,598 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Foreign key constraint added to schema_set_yang_resources (yang_resource_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:31,603 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-32::cps ran successfully in 45ms
2022-03-16 05:02:31,728 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Foreign key constraint added to anchor (dataspace_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:31,743 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-33::cps ran successfully in 85ms
2022-03-16 05:02:31,852 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Foreign key constraint added to anchor (schema_set_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:31,874 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-34::cps ran successfully in 47ms
2022-03-16 05:02:31,945 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Foreign key constraint added to relation (relation_type_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:31,977 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-35::cps ran successfully in 67ms
2022-03-16 05:02:32,068 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Foreign key constraint added to fragment (parent_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:32,080 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-36::cps ran successfully in 41ms
2022-03-16 05:02:32,139 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Foreign key constraint added to fragment (schema_node_id)
2022-03-16 05:02:32,142 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/01-createCPSTables.yaml::1-37::cps ran successfully in 38ms
2022-03-16 05:02:32,734 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data loaded from 'changelog/db/changes/data/dataspace.csv' into table 'dataspace'
2022-03-16 05:02:32,738 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/02-loadData-dataspace.yaml::2::cps ran successfully in 570ms
2022-03-16 05:02:32,912 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data loaded from 'changelog/db/changes/data/schema_set.csv' into table 'schema_set'
2022-03-16 05:02:32,929 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/03-loadData-schema-set.yaml::3.1::cps ran successfully in 143ms
2022-03-16 05:02:33,468 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data loaded from 'changelog/db/changes/data/yang_resource.csv' into table 'yang_resource'
2022-03-16 05:02:33,475 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/03-loadData-schema-set.yaml::3.2::cps ran successfully in 498ms
2022-03-16 05:02:33,733 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data loaded from 'changelog/db/changes/data/schema_set_yang_resources.csv' into table 'schema_set_yang_resources'
2022-03-16 05:02:33,763 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/03-loadData-schema-set.yaml::3.3::cps ran successfully in 230ms
2022-03-16 05:02:33,940 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data loaded from 'changelog/db/changes/data/anchor.csv' into table 'anchor'
2022-03-16 05:02:33,949 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/04-loadData-anchor.yaml::4::cps ran successfully in 145ms
2022-03-16 05:02:39,459 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data loaded from 'changelog/db/changes/data/fragment.csv' into table 'fragment'
2022-03-16 05:02:39,471 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/05-loadData-fragment.yaml::5::cps ran successfully in 5498ms
2022-03-16 05:02:39,600 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Custom SQL executed
2022-03-16 05:02:39,640 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/05-loadData-fragment.yaml::5.1::cps ran successfully in 150ms
2022-03-16 05:02:39,772 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Index UQ_FRAGMENT_XPATH dropped from table fragment
2022-03-16 05:02:39,854 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/06-delete-not-required-fragment-index.yaml::6::cps ran successfully in 178ms
2022-03-16 05:02:39,915 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data updated in yang_resource
2022-03-16 05:02:39,923 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data updated in yang_resource
2022-03-16 05:02:39,943 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data updated in yang_resource
2022-03-16 05:02:39,959 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/07-update-yang-resource-checksums.yaml::7::cps ran successfully in 77ms
2022-03-16 05:02:40,134 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - SQL in file changelog/db/changes/08-update-yang-resources-cps-ran-model-forward.sql executed
2022-03-16 05:02:40,179 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - SQL in file changelog/db/changes/08-update-yang-resources-ietf-yang-types-forward.sql executed
2022-03-16 05:02:40,212 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - SQL in file changelog/db/changes/08-update-yang-resources-ietf-inet-types-forward.sql executed
2022-03-16 05:02:40,230 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/08-update-yang-resources.yaml::8::cps ran successfully in 234ms
2022-03-16 05:02:40,322 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data loaded from 'changelog/db/changes/data/dmi/dataspace.csv' into table 'dataspace'
2022-03-16 05:02:40,324 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/09-loadData-dmi-registry-schema-set.yaml::9::cps ran successfully in 72ms
2022-03-16 05:02:40,491 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data loaded from 'changelog/db/changes/data/dmi/schema_set.csv' into table 'schema_set'
2022-03-16 05:02:40,500 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/09-loadData-dmi-registry-schema-set.yaml::9.1::cps ran successfully in 153ms
2022-03-16 05:02:40,570 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data loaded from 'changelog/db/changes/data/dmi/yang_resource.csv' into table 'yang_resource'
2022-03-16 05:02:40,589 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/09-loadData-dmi-registry-schema-set.yaml::9.2::cps ran successfully in 57ms
2022-03-16 05:02:40,746 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data loaded from 'changelog/db/changes/data/dmi/schema_set_yang_resources.csv' into table 'schema_set_yang_resources'
2022-03-16 05:02:40,763 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/09-loadData-dmi-registry-schema-set.yaml::9.3::cps ran successfully in 110ms
2022-03-16 05:02:40,869 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data loaded from 'changelog/db/changes/data/dmi/anchor.csv' into table 'anchor'
2022-03-16 05:02:40,895 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/09-loadData-dmi-registry-schema-set.yaml::9.4::cps ran successfully in 117ms
2022-03-16 05:02:40,951 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Data loaded from 'changelog/db/changes/data/dmi/fragment.csv' into table 'fragment'
2022-03-16 05:02:40,963 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/10-loadData-dmi-registry-fragment.yaml::10::cps ran successfully in 54ms
2022-03-16 05:02:41,053 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Custom SQL executed
2022-03-16 05:02:41,077 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/10-loadData-dmi-registry-fragment.yaml::10.1::cps ran successfully in 87ms
2022-03-16 05:02:41,140 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Columns module_name(TEXT),revision(TEXT) added to yang_resource
2022-03-16 05:02:41,147 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/11-add-column-to-yang-resources-table.yaml::11::cps ran successfully in 53ms
2022-03-16 05:02:41,181 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - Custom SQL executed
2022-03-16 05:02:41,204 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.changelog - ChangeSet changelog/db/changes/11-add-column-to-yang-resources-table.yaml::11.1::cps ran successfully in 45ms
2022-03-16 05:02:41,285 - INFO  [main                ] liquibase.lockservice - Successfully released change log lock
2022-03-16 05:02:41,834 - INFO  [main                ] o.h.jpa.internal.util.LogHelper - HHH000204: Processing PersistenceUnitInfo [name: default]
2022-03-16 05:02:41,981 - INFO  [main                ] org.hibernate.Version - HHH000412: Hibernate ORM core version 5.4.31.Final
2022-03-16 05:02:41,985 - INFO  [main                ] org.hibernate.cfg.Environment - HHH000205: Loaded properties from resource {hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer=false, hibernate.types.print.banner=false}
2022-03-16 05:02:42,528 - INFO  [main                ] o.h.annotations.common.Version - HCANN000001: Hibernate Commons Annotations {5.1.2.Final}
2022-03-16 05:02:42,849 - INFO  [main                ] org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect - HHH000400: Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
2022-03-16 05:02:43,993 - INFO  [main                ] o.h.validator.internal.util.Version - HV000001: Hibernate Validator 6.2.0.Final
2022-03-16 05:02:45,810 - INFO  [main                ] o.h.e.t.j.p.i.JtaPlatformInitiator - HHH000490: Using JtaPlatform implementation: [org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.internal.NoJtaPlatform]
2022-03-16 05:02:45,863 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.o.j.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean - Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'default'
2022-03-16 05:02:51,633 - INFO  [main                ] o.o.c.n.NotificationService - Notification Properties NotificationProperties(, filters={enabled-dataspaces=}, enabled=true)
2022-03-16 05:02:52,699 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.s.web.DefaultSecurityFilterChain - Will secure any request with [,,,,,,,,,,]
2022-03-16 05:02:59,233 - INFO  [main                ] o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler.application - Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2022-03-16 05:02:59,233 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet - Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2022-03-16 05:02:59,238 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet - Completed initialization in 4 ms
2022-03-16 05:02:59,280 - INFO  [main                ] o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started ServerConnector@3220c28{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{}
2022-03-16 05:02:59,282 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.b.w.e.jetty.JettyWebServer - Jetty started on port(s) 8080 (http/1.1) with context path '/'
2022-03-16 05:02:59,610 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.b.w.e.j.JettyServletWebServerFactory - Server initialized with port: 8081
2022-03-16 05:02:59,611 - INFO  [main                ] org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-9.4.41.v20210516; built: 2021-05-16T23:56:28.993Z; git: 98607f93c7833e7dc59489b13f3cb0a114fb9f4c; jvm
2022-03-16 05:02:59,621 - INFO  [main                ] o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler.application - Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
2022-03-16 05:02:59,622 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.b.w.s.c.ServletWebServerApplicationContext - Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 319 ms
2022-03-16 05:02:59,633 - INFO  [main                ] org.eclipse.jetty.server.session - DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0
2022-03-16 05:02:59,633 - INFO  [main                ] org.eclipse.jetty.server.session - No SessionScavenger set, using defaults
2022-03-16 05:02:59,634 - INFO  [main                ] org.eclipse.jetty.server.session - node0 Scavenging every 600000ms
2022-03-16 05:02:59,635 - INFO  [main                ] o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - Started o.s.b.w.e.j.JettyEmbeddedWebAppContext@413e4756{application,/,[file:///tmp/jetty-docbase.8081.3065794302207989570/, jar:file:/app/libs/swagger-ui-3.49.0.jar!/META-INF/resources],AVAILABLE}
2022-03-16 05:02:59,635 - INFO  [main                ] org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - Started @55027ms
2022-03-16 05:02:59,669 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.b.a.e.web.EndpointLinksResolver - Exposing 4 endpoint(s) beneath base path '/manage'
2022-03-16 05:03:00,487 - INFO  [main                ] o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler.application - Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2022-03-16 05:03:00,487 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet - Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2022-03-16 05:03:00,488 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet - Completed initialization in 1 ms
2022-03-16 05:03:00,489 - INFO  [main                ] o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started ServerConnector@30360716{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{}
2022-03-16 05:03:00,489 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.b.w.e.jetty.JettyWebServer - Jetty started on port(s) 8081 (http/1.1) with context path '/'
2022-03-16 05:03:00,559 - INFO  [main                ] org.onap.cps.Application - Started Application in 53.134 seconds (JVM running for 55.95)
2022-03-16 05:03:00,567 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.b.a.ApplicationAvailabilityBean - Application availability state LivenessState changed to CORRECT
2022-03-16 05:03:00,571 - INFO  [main                ] o.s.b.a.ApplicationAvailabilityBean - Application availability state ReadinessState changed to ACCEPTING_TRAFFIC