
By type

          2022-07-21 05:16:41,179 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 337 |  INFO | MSHBD:Execution Started
2022-07-21 05:16:41,180 [onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.client] DEBUG    opening config_path=/app-config/application_config.yaml
2022-07-21 05:16:41,180 | onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.client | client | get_config | 217 |  DEBUG | opening config_path=/app-config/application_config.yaml
2022-07-21 05:16:41,186 [onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.client] DEBUG    Returning config read from /app-config/application_config.yaml
2022-07-21 05:16:41,186 | onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.client | client | get_config | 221 |  DEBUG | Returning config read from /app-config/application_config.yaml
2022-07-21T05:16:41,186 CBS client lib response : {'CBS_polling_allowed': 'True', 'CBS_polling_interval': '300', 'consumerID': '1', 'groupID': 'hbgrpID', 'heartbeat_config': '{"vnfs": [{"eventName": "Heartbeat_vDNS","heartbeatcountmissed": 3,"heartbeatinterval": 60,"closedLoopControlName": "ControlLoopEvent1",     "policyVersion": "",     "policyName":"vFireWall","policyScope": "resource=sampleResource,type=sampletype,CLName=sampleCLName","target_type": "VNF",        "target": "genVnfName", "version": "1.0"}, {"eventName": "Heartbeat_vFW","heartbeatcountmissed": 3,     "heartbeatinterval": 60,"closedLoopControlName": "ControlLoopEvent1","policyVersion": "","policyName": "vFireWall","policyScope": "resource=sampleResource,type=sampletype,CLName=sampleCLName",    "target_type":"VNF",    "target": "genVnfName",    "version": "1.0"}, {"eventName": "Heartbeat_xx","heartbeatcountmissed": 3,      "heartbeatinterval": 60,"closedLoopControlName": "ControlLoopEvent1","policyVersion": "","policyName": "vFireWall",      "policyScope": "resource=sampleResource,type=sampletype,CLName=sampleCLName","target_type": "VNF","target": "genVnfName","version": "1.0"}]}', 'pg_dbName': 'heartbeat', 'pg_ipAddress': 'dcae-heartbeat-pg-primary', 'pg_passwd': 'LonzYass5+Jasu', 'pg_portNum': 5432, 'pg_userName': 'heartbeat', 'streams_publishes': {'dcae_cl_out': {'dmaap_info': {'topic_url': 'http://message-router.onap.svc.cluster.local:3904/events/unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT'}, 'type': 'message_router'}}, 'streams_subscribes': {'ves-heartbeat': {'dmaap_info': {'topic_url': 'http://message-router:3904/events/unauthenticated.SEC_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT'}, 'type': 'message_router'}}}
2022-07-21 05:16:41,187 | __main__ | misshtbtd | fetch_json_file | 276 |  INFO | MSHBD:current config logged to : ../etc/download.json
2022-07-21 05:16:41,190 | __main__ | misshtbtd | fetch_json_file | 294 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: The json file is - ', '../etc/config.json')
2022-07-21 05:16:41,190 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 343 |  INFO | ('MSHBT:HB Properties -', 'dcae-heartbeat-pg-primary', '5432', 'heartbeat', 'LonzYass5+Jasu', 'heartbeat', 'True', '300')
2022-07-21 05:16:41,537 [onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.client] DEBUG    opening config_path=/app-config/application_config.yaml
2022-07-21 05:16:41,537 | onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.client | client | get_config | 217 |  DEBUG | opening config_path=/app-config/application_config.yaml
2022-07-21 05:16:41,544 [onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.client] DEBUG    Returning config read from /app-config/application_config.yaml
2022-07-21 05:16:41,544 | onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.client | client | get_config | 221 |  DEBUG | Returning config read from /app-config/application_config.yaml
2022-07-21 05:16:41,545 | misshtbtd | misshtbtd | fetch_json_file | 276 |  INFO | MSHBD:current config logged to : ../etc/download.json
2022-07-21 05:16:41,548 | misshtbtd | misshtbtd | fetch_json_file | 294 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: The json file is - ', '../etc/config.json')
2022-07-21 05:16:41,564 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_database | 65 |  INFO | ('MSHBT:Create_database:DB not exists? ', (False,))
2022-07-21 05:16:41,566 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_database | 71 |  INFO | MSHBD:Database already exists
2022-07-21 05:16:41,567 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_db | 304 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: DB parameters -', 'dcae-heartbeat-pg-primary', '5432', 'heartbeat', 'LonzYass5+Jasu', 'heartbeat')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/bin/", line 67, in 
2022-07-21T05:16:41,545 CBS client lib response : {'CBS_polling_allowed': 'True', 'CBS_polling_interval': '300', 'consumerID': '1', 'groupID': 'hbgrpID', 'heartbeat_config': '{"vnfs": [{"eventName": "Heartbeat_vDNS","heartbeatcountmissed": 3,"heartbeatinterval": 60,"closedLoopControlName": "ControlLoopEvent1",     "policyVersion": "",     "policyName":"vFireWall","policyScope": "resource=sampleResource,type=sampletype,CLName=sampleCLName","target_type": "VNF",        "target": "genVnfName", "version": "1.0"}, {"eventName": "Heartbeat_vFW","heartbeatcountmissed": 3,     "heartbeatinterval": 60,"closedLoopControlName": "ControlLoopEvent1","policyVersion": "","policyName": "vFireWall","policyScope": "resource=sampleResource,type=sampletype,CLName=sampleCLName",    "target_type":"VNF",    "target": "genVnfName",    "version": "1.0"}, {"eventName": "Heartbeat_xx","heartbeatcountmissed": 3,      "heartbeatinterval": 60,"closedLoopControlName": "ControlLoopEvent1","policyVersion": "","policyName": "vFireWall",      "policyScope": "resource=sampleResource,type=sampletype,CLName=sampleCLName","target_type": "VNF","target": "genVnfName","version": "1.0"}]}', 'pg_dbName': 'heartbeat', 'pg_ipAddress': 'dcae-heartbeat-pg-primary', 'pg_passwd': 'LonzYass5+Jasu', 'pg_portNum': 5432, 'pg_userName': 'heartbeat', 'streams_publishes': {'dcae_cl_out': {'dmaap_info': {'topic_url': 'http://message-router.onap.svc.cluster.local:3904/events/unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT'}, 'type': 'message_router'}}, 'streams_subscribes': {'ves-heartbeat': {'dmaap_info': {'topic_url': 'http://message-router:3904/events/unauthenticated.SEC_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT'}, 'type': 'message_router'}}}
  File "/app/bin/", line 39, in pollCBS
    hbc_pid, hbc_state, hbc_srcName, hbc_time = db.read_hb_common(user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name)
  File "/app/bin/", line 89, in read_hb_common
    cur.execute("SELECT process_id, source_name, last_accessed_time, current_state FROM hb_common")
psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable: relation "hb_common" does not exist
LINE 1: ...ource_name, last_accessed_time, current_state FROM hb_common

2022-07-21 05:16:41,686 | __main__ | misshtbtd | hb_cbs_polling_process | 195 |  INFO | MSHBT:Creaated CBS polling process
2022-07-21 05:16:42,578 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_vnf_table_1 | 152 |  INFO | MSHBT:Created vnf_table_1 table
2022-07-21 05:16:42,612 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_vnf_table_1 | 180 |  DEBUG | Inserted new event_name = Heartbeat_vDNS into vnf_table_1
2022-07-21 05:16:42,621 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_vnf_table_1 | 180 |  DEBUG | Inserted new event_name = Heartbeat_vFW into vnf_table_1
2022-07-21 05:16:42,629 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_vnf_table_1 | 180 |  DEBUG | Inserted new event_name = Heartbeat_xx into vnf_table_1
2022-07-21 05:16:42,630 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_vnf_table_1 | 189 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated vnf_table_1 as per the json configuration file
2022-07-21 05:16:43,214 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 117 |  INFO | MSHBT:Created hb_common DB and updated new values
2022-07-21 05:16:43,221 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 353 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:Current process id is', 6)
2022-07-21 05:16:43,221 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 354 |  INFO | MSHBD:Now be in a continuous loop
2022-07-21 05:16:43,318 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RECONFIGURATION', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380603)
2022-07-21 05:16:43,319 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RECONFIGURATION', 1658380603, 1658380603, 0)
2022-07-21 05:16:43,320 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RECONFIGURATION')
2022-07-21 05:16:43,320 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 385 |  INFO | MSHBD:Reconfiguration is in progress,Starting new processes by killing the present processes
2022-07-21 05:16:43,320 [onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.client] DEBUG    opening config_path=/app-config/application_config.yaml
2022-07-21 05:16:43,320 | onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.client | client | get_config | 217 |  DEBUG | opening config_path=/app-config/application_config.yaml
2022-07-21 05:16:43,335 [onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.client] DEBUG    Returning config read from /app-config/application_config.yaml
2022-07-21T05:16:43,339 CBS client lib response : {'CBS_polling_allowed': 'True', 'CBS_polling_interval': '300', 'consumerID': '1', 'groupID': 'hbgrpID', 'heartbeat_config': '{"vnfs": [{"eventName": "Heartbeat_vDNS","heartbeatcountmissed": 3,"heartbeatinterval": 60,"closedLoopControlName": "ControlLoopEvent1",     "policyVersion": "",     "policyName":"vFireWall","policyScope": "resource=sampleResource,type=sampletype,CLName=sampleCLName","target_type": "VNF",        "target": "genVnfName", "version": "1.0"}, {"eventName": "Heartbeat_vFW","heartbeatcountmissed": 3,     "heartbeatinterval": 60,"closedLoopControlName": "ControlLoopEvent1","policyVersion": "","policyName": "vFireWall","policyScope": "resource=sampleResource,type=sampletype,CLName=sampleCLName",    "target_type":"VNF",    "target": "genVnfName",    "version": "1.0"}, {"eventName": "Heartbeat_xx","heartbeatcountmissed": 3,      "heartbeatinterval": 60,"closedLoopControlName": "ControlLoopEvent1","policyVersion": "","policyName": "vFireWall",      "policyScope": "resource=sampleResource,type=sampletype,CLName=sampleCLName","target_type": "VNF","target": "genVnfName","version": "1.0"}]}', 'pg_dbName': 'heartbeat', 'pg_ipAddress': 'dcae-heartbeat-pg-primary', 'pg_passwd': 'LonzYass5+Jasu', 'pg_portNum': 5432, 'pg_userName': 'heartbeat', 'streams_publishes': {'dcae_cl_out': {'dmaap_info': {'topic_url': 'http://message-router.onap.svc.cluster.local:3904/events/unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT'}, 'type': 'message_router'}}, 'streams_subscribes': {'ves-heartbeat': {'dmaap_info': {'topic_url': 'http://message-router:3904/events/unauthenticated.SEC_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT'}, 'type': 'message_router'}}}
2022-07-21 05:16:43,335 | onap_dcae_cbs_docker_client.client | client | get_config | 221 |  DEBUG | Returning config read from /app-config/application_config.yaml
2022-07-21 05:16:43,339 | __main__ | misshtbtd | fetch_json_file | 276 |  INFO | MSHBD:current config logged to : ../etc/download.json
2022-07-21 05:16:43,346 | __main__ | misshtbtd | fetch_json_file | 294 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: The json file is - ', '../etc/config.json')
2022-07-21 05:16:43,347 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_db | 304 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: DB parameters -', 'dcae-heartbeat-pg-primary', '5432', 'heartbeat', 'LonzYass5+Jasu', 'heartbeat')
2022-07-21 05:16:43,497 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_vnf_table_1 | 155 |  INFO | MSHBT:Set Validity flag to zero in vnf_table_1 table
2022-07-21 05:16:43,552 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_vnf_table_1 | 189 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated vnf_table_1 as per the json configuration file
2022-07-21 05:16:43,573 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 390 |  INFO | ('MSHBD: parameters  passed to DBM and HB are %d and %s', 6)
2022-07-21 05:16:45,012 | __main__ | htbtworker |  | 258 |  INFO | HBT:HeartBeat thread Created
2022-07-21 05:16:45,014 | __main__ | htbtworker |  | 260 |  INFO | ('HBT:The config file name passed is -%s', '../etc/config.json')
2022-07-21 05:16:45,587 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_process | 327 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:jobs list is', [, ])
2022-07-21 05:16:45,656 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:16:45,960 | __main__ | db_monitoring |  | 235 |  INFO | DBM: DBM Process started
2022-07-21 05:16:45,960 | __main__ | db_monitoring |  | 240 |  INFO | ('DBM:Parent process ID and json file name', '6', '../etc/config.json')
2022-07-21 05:17:05,128 | __main__ | htbtworker | process_msg | 79 |  INFO | ('\n\nHBT:eventnameList values ', ['Heartbeat_vDNS', 'Heartbeat_vFW', 'Heartbeat_xx'])
2022-07-21 05:17:05,129 | __main__ | htbtworker | process_msg | 85 |  INFO | HBT:Getting :http://message-router:3904/events/unauthenticated.SEC_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT/hbgrpID/1?timeout=15000
2022-07-21 05:17:05,152 | urllib3.connectionpool | connectionpool | _new_conn | 226 |  DEBUG | Starting new HTTP connection (1): message-router:3904
2022-07-21 05:17:06,133 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/urllib3/", line 159, in _new_conn
    conn = connection.create_connection(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/urllib3/util/", line 84, in create_connection
    raise err
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/urllib3/util/", line 74, in create_connection
ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/urllib3/", line 670, in urlopen
    httplib_response = self._make_request(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/urllib3/", line 392, in _make_request
    conn.request(method, url, **httplib_request_kw)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/http/", line 1255, in request
    self._send_request(method, url, body, headers, encode_chunked)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/http/", line 1301, in _send_request
    self.endheaders(body, encode_chunked=encode_chunked)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/http/", line 1250, in endheaders
    self._send_output(message_body, encode_chunked=encode_chunked)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/http/", line 1010, in _send_output
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/http/", line 950, in send
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/urllib3/", line 187, in connect
    conn = self._new_conn()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/urllib3/", line 171, in _new_conn
    raise NewConnectionError(
urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: : Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/", line 439, in send
    resp = conn.urlopen(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/urllib3/", line 726, in urlopen
    retries = retries.increment(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/urllib3/util/", line 446, in increment
    raise MaxRetryError(_pool, url, error or ResponseError(cause))
urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='message-router', port=3904): Max retries exceeded with url: /events/unauthenticated.SEC_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT/hbgrpID/1?timeout=15000 (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/bin/", line 262, in 
    process_msg(jsfile, user_name, password, ip_address, port_num, db_name)
  File "/app/bin/", line 98, in process_msg
    res = requests.get(get_url)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/", line 76, in get
    return request('get', url, params=params, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/", line 61, in request
    return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/", line 530, in request
    resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/", line 643, in send
    r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/", line 516, in send
    raise ConnectionError(e, request=request)
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='message-router', port=3904): Max retries exceeded with url: /events/unauthenticated.SEC_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT/hbgrpID/1?timeout=15000 (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))
2022-07-21 05:17:06,240 | __main__ | misshtbtd | hb_worker_process | 202 |  INFO | MSHBT:Creaated Heartbeat worker process
2022-07-21 05:17:10,714 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380606)
2022-07-21 05:17:10,715 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380606, 1658380631, 25)
2022-07-21 05:17:10,715 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:17:10,829 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:17:26,433 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:17:35,980 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380631)
2022-07-21 05:17:35,980 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380631, 1658380656, 25)
2022-07-21 05:17:35,980 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:17:36,352 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:17:46,695 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:18:01,428 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380656)
2022-07-21 05:18:01,429 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380656, 1658380681, 25)
2022-07-21 05:18:01,429 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:18:01,483 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:18:06,838 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:18:26,546 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380681)
2022-07-21 05:18:26,547 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380681, 1658380707, 26)
2022-07-21 05:18:26,547 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:18:26,596 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:18:26,932 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:18:47,001 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:18:51,645 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380707)
2022-07-21 05:18:51,646 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380707, 1658380732, 25)
2022-07-21 05:18:51,646 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:18:51,756 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:19:07,127 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:19:16,843 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380732)
2022-07-21 05:19:16,844 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380732, 1658380757, 25)
2022-07-21 05:19:16,844 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:19:16,916 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:19:27,289 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:19:42,055 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380757)
2022-07-21 05:19:42,056 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380757, 1658380782, 25)
2022-07-21 05:19:42,056 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:19:42,295 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:19:47,417 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:20:07,422 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380782)
2022-07-21 05:20:07,423 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380782, 1658380807, 25)
2022-07-21 05:20:07,423 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:20:07,601 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:20:07,674 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:20:27,805 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:20:32,770 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380807)
2022-07-21 05:20:32,770 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380807, 1658380833, 26)
2022-07-21 05:20:32,770 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:20:32,859 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:20:47,879 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:20:58,034 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380833)
2022-07-21 05:20:58,034 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380833, 1658380858, 25)
2022-07-21 05:20:58,034 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:20:58,255 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:21:07,996 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:21:23,336 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380858)
2022-07-21 05:21:23,336 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380858, 1658380883, 25)
2022-07-21 05:21:23,337 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:21:23,402 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:21:28,239 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:21:48,408 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:21:48,439 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380883)
2022-07-21 05:21:48,440 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380883, 1658380908, 25)
2022-07-21 05:21:48,440 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:21:48,501 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:22:08,527 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:22:13,589 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380908)
2022-07-21 05:22:13,589 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380908, 1658380934, 26)
2022-07-21 05:22:13,590 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:22:13,664 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:22:28,622 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:22:38,805 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380934)
2022-07-21 05:22:38,805 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380934, 1658380959, 25)
2022-07-21 05:22:38,805 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:22:38,919 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:22:48,720 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:23:04,010 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380959)
2022-07-21 05:23:04,011 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380959, 1658380984, 25)
2022-07-21 05:23:04,011 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:23:04,065 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:23:08,819 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:23:28,941 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:23:29,139 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658380984)
2022-07-21 05:23:29,140 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658380984, 1658381009, 25)
2022-07-21 05:23:29,140 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:23:29,180 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:23:49,070 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:23:54,281 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381009)
2022-07-21 05:23:54,282 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381009, 1658381034, 25)
2022-07-21 05:23:54,282 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:23:54,388 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:24:09,183 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:24:19,466 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381034)
2022-07-21 05:24:19,467 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381034, 1658381059, 25)
2022-07-21 05:24:19,467 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:24:19,498 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:24:29,307 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:24:44,584 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381059)
2022-07-21 05:24:44,584 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381059, 1658381085, 26)
2022-07-21 05:24:44,584 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:24:44,703 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:24:49,385 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:25:09,460 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:25:09,761 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381085)
2022-07-21 05:25:09,762 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381085, 1658381110, 25)
2022-07-21 05:25:09,762 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:25:09,803 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:25:29,537 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:25:34,854 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381110)
2022-07-21 05:25:34,855 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381110, 1658381135, 25)
2022-07-21 05:25:34,855 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:25:34,897 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:25:49,609 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:25:59,990 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381135)
2022-07-21 05:25:59,991 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381135, 1658381160, 25)
2022-07-21 05:25:59,991 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:26:00,065 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:26:09,735 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:26:25,139 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381160)
2022-07-21 05:26:25,140 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381160, 1658381185, 25)
2022-07-21 05:26:25,140 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:26:25,225 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:26:29,823 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:26:49,901 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:26:50,275 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381185)
2022-07-21 05:26:50,275 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381185, 1658381210, 25)
2022-07-21 05:26:50,276 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:26:50,314 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:27:09,965 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:27:15,382 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381210)
2022-07-21 05:27:15,382 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381210, 1658381235, 25)
2022-07-21 05:27:15,382 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:27:15,428 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:27:30,029 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:27:40,468 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381235)
2022-07-21 05:27:40,468 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381235, 1658381260, 25)
2022-07-21 05:27:40,469 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:27:40,512 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:27:50,110 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:28:05,549 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381260)
2022-07-21 05:28:05,549 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381260, 1658381286, 26)
2022-07-21 05:28:05,549 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:28:05,579 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:28:10,198 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:28:30,302 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:28:30,612 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381286)
2022-07-21 05:28:30,613 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381286, 1658381311, 25)
2022-07-21 05:28:30,613 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:28:30,645 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:28:50,381 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:28:55,702 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381311)
2022-07-21 05:28:55,703 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381311, 1658381336, 25)
2022-07-21 05:28:55,703 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:28:55,754 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:29:10,467 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:29:20,805 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381336)
2022-07-21 05:29:20,806 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381336, 1658381361, 25)
2022-07-21 05:29:20,806 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:29:20,844 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:29:30,532 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:29:45,904 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381361)
2022-07-21 05:29:45,904 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381361, 1658381386, 25)
2022-07-21 05:29:45,905 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:29:45,976 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:29:50,584 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:30:10,669 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:30:11,032 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381386)
2022-07-21 05:30:11,033 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381386, 1658381411, 25)
2022-07-21 05:30:11,033 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:30:11,082 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:30:30,742 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:30:36,132 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381411)
2022-07-21 05:30:36,132 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381411, 1658381436, 25)
2022-07-21 05:30:36,132 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:30:36,170 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:30:50,833 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:31:01,213 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381436)
2022-07-21 05:31:01,213 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381436, 1658381461, 25)
2022-07-21 05:31:01,213 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:31:01,248 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:31:10,931 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:31:26,293 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381461)
2022-07-21 05:31:26,293 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381461, 1658381486, 25)
2022-07-21 05:31:26,293 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:31:26,342 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:31:31,080 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:31:51,201 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:31:51,396 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381486)
2022-07-21 05:31:51,397 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381486, 1658381511, 25)
2022-07-21 05:31:51,397 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:31:51,438 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:32:11,324 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:32:16,484 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381511)
2022-07-21 05:32:16,485 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381511, 1658381536, 25)
2022-07-21 05:32:16,485 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:32:16,579 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:32:31,395 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:32:41,625 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381536)
2022-07-21 05:32:41,625 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381536, 1658381562, 26)
2022-07-21 05:32:41,625 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:32:41,756 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:32:51,464 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:33:06,813 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381562)
2022-07-21 05:33:06,814 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381562, 1658381587, 25)
2022-07-21 05:33:06,814 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:33:06,860 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:33:11,559 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:33:31,639 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:33:31,928 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381587)
2022-07-21 05:33:31,928 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381587, 1658381612, 25)
2022-07-21 05:33:31,929 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:33:31,963 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:33:51,716 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:33:57,013 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381612)
2022-07-21 05:33:57,013 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381612, 1658381637, 25)
2022-07-21 05:33:57,013 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:33:57,054 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:34:11,825 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:34:22,122 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381637)
2022-07-21 05:34:22,123 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381637, 1658381662, 25)
2022-07-21 05:34:22,123 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:34:22,185 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:34:31,978 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:34:47,224 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381662)
2022-07-21 05:34:47,225 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381662, 1658381687, 25)
2022-07-21 05:34:47,225 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:34:47,268 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:34:52,121 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:35:12,200 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:35:12,321 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381687)
2022-07-21 05:35:12,321 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381687, 1658381712, 25)
2022-07-21 05:35:12,322 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:35:12,394 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:35:32,280 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:35:37,462 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381712)
2022-07-21 05:35:37,463 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381712, 1658381737, 25)
2022-07-21 05:35:37,463 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:35:37,555 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:35:52,402 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:36:02,618 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381737)
2022-07-21 05:36:02,618 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381737, 1658381763, 26)
2022-07-21 05:36:02,618 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:36:02,722 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:36:12,507 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:36:27,771 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381763)
2022-07-21 05:36:27,772 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381763, 1658381788, 25)
2022-07-21 05:36:27,772 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:36:27,844 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:36:32,609 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:36:52,696 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:36:53,024 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381788)
2022-07-21 05:36:53,024 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381788, 1658381813, 25)
2022-07-21 05:36:53,025 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:36:53,195 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:37:13,968 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:37:18,492 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381813)
2022-07-21 05:37:18,492 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381813, 1658381838, 25)
2022-07-21 05:37:18,492 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:37:19,023 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:37:35,663 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:37:44,712 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381838)
2022-07-21 05:37:44,712 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381838, 1658381865, 27)
2022-07-21 05:37:44,712 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:37:46,359 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:37:58,258 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:38:11,610 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381865)
2022-07-21 05:38:11,611 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381865, 1658381892, 27)
2022-07-21 05:38:11,611 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:38:13,018 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:38:18,878 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:38:38,184 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381892)
2022-07-21 05:38:38,184 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381892, 1658381918, 26)
2022-07-21 05:38:38,184 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:38:38,322 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:38:39,093 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:38:59,228 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:39:03,418 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381918)
2022-07-21 05:39:03,418 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381918, 1658381943, 25)
2022-07-21 05:39:03,419 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:39:03,545 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:39:19,325 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:39:28,624 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381943)
2022-07-21 05:39:28,625 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381943, 1658381969, 26)
2022-07-21 05:39:28,625 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:39:28,696 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:39:39,463 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:39:53,781 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381969)
2022-07-21 05:39:53,782 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381969, 1658381994, 25)
2022-07-21 05:39:53,782 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:39:53,872 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:39:59,720 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:40:19,019 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658381994)
2022-07-21 05:40:19,020 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658381994, 1658382019, 25)
2022-07-21 05:40:19,020 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:40:19,262 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:40:19,897 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:40:40,082 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:40:44,327 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382019)
2022-07-21 05:40:44,327 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382019, 1658382044, 25)
2022-07-21 05:40:44,327 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:40:44,397 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:41:00,290 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:41:09,470 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382044)
2022-07-21 05:41:09,470 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382044, 1658382069, 25)
2022-07-21 05:41:09,471 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:41:09,651 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:41:20,453 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:41:34,791 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382069)
2022-07-21 05:41:34,791 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382069, 1658382095, 26)
2022-07-21 05:41:34,791 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:41:34,905 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:41:40,690 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:41:59,961 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382095)
2022-07-21 05:41:59,961 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382095, 1658382120, 25)
2022-07-21 05:41:59,962 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:42:00,062 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:42:00,976 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:42:21,188 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:42:25,173 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382120)
2022-07-21 05:42:25,173 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382120, 1658382145, 25)
2022-07-21 05:42:25,174 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:42:25,280 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:42:41,410 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:42:50,341 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382145)
2022-07-21 05:42:50,341 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382145, 1658382170, 25)
2022-07-21 05:42:50,342 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:42:50,382 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:43:01,627 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:43:15,491 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382170)
2022-07-21 05:43:15,492 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382170, 1658382195, 25)
2022-07-21 05:43:15,492 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:43:15,620 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:43:21,871 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:43:40,854 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382195)
2022-07-21 05:43:40,854 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382195, 1658382221, 26)
2022-07-21 05:43:40,854 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:43:41,151 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:43:42,316 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:44:02,496 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:44:06,242 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382221)
2022-07-21 05:44:06,242 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382221, 1658382246, 25)
2022-07-21 05:44:06,242 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:44:06,297 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:44:22,745 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:44:31,441 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382246)
2022-07-21 05:44:31,441 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382246, 1658382271, 25)
2022-07-21 05:44:31,442 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:44:31,637 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:44:42,986 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:44:56,697 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382271)
2022-07-21 05:44:56,698 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382271, 1658382297, 26)
2022-07-21 05:44:56,698 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:44:56,890 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:45:03,116 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:45:21,951 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382297)
2022-07-21 05:45:21,951 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382297, 1658382322, 25)
2022-07-21 05:45:21,952 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:45:21,998 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:45:23,191 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:45:43,307 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:45:47,040 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382322)
2022-07-21 05:45:47,041 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382322, 1658382347, 25)
2022-07-21 05:45:47,041 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:45:47,115 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:46:03,409 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:46:12,166 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382347)
2022-07-21 05:46:12,166 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382347, 1658382372, 25)
2022-07-21 05:46:12,167 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:46:12,210 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:46:23,471 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:46:37,272 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382372)
2022-07-21 05:46:37,273 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382372, 1658382397, 25)
2022-07-21 05:46:37,273 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:46:37,317 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:46:43,570 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:47:02,370 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382397)
2022-07-21 05:47:02,371 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382397, 1658382422, 25)
2022-07-21 05:47:02,372 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:47:02,403 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:47:03,660 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:47:23,727 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:47:27,448 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382422)
2022-07-21 05:47:27,449 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382422, 1658382447, 25)
2022-07-21 05:47:27,449 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:47:27,497 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:47:43,807 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:47:52,533 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382447)
2022-07-21 05:47:52,534 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382447, 1658382473, 26)
2022-07-21 05:47:52,534 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:47:52,578 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:48:03,876 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:48:17,628 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382473)
2022-07-21 05:48:17,628 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382473, 1658382498, 25)
2022-07-21 05:48:17,628 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:48:17,658 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:48:23,948 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:48:42,724 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382498)
2022-07-21 05:48:42,724 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382498, 1658382523, 25)
2022-07-21 05:48:42,724 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:48:42,782 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:48:44,038 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:49:04,167 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:49:07,842 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382523)
2022-07-21 05:49:07,843 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382523, 1658382548, 25)
2022-07-21 05:49:07,843 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:49:07,882 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:49:24,270 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:49:32,935 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382548)
2022-07-21 05:49:32,936 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382548, 1658382573, 25)
2022-07-21 05:49:32,936 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:49:32,979 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:49:44,383 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:49:58,040 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382573)
2022-07-21 05:49:58,041 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382573, 1658382598, 25)
2022-07-21 05:49:58,041 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:49:58,098 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:50:04,543 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:50:23,184 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382598)
2022-07-21 05:50:23,184 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382598, 1658382623, 25)
2022-07-21 05:50:23,185 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:50:23,231 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:50:24,613 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:50:44,673 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:50:48,274 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382623)
2022-07-21 05:50:48,274 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382623, 1658382648, 25)
2022-07-21 05:50:48,274 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:50:48,336 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:51:04,744 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:51:13,392 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382648)
2022-07-21 05:51:13,393 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382648, 1658382673, 25)
2022-07-21 05:51:13,393 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:51:13,442 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:51:24,811 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:51:38,491 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382673)
2022-07-21 05:51:38,491 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382673, 1658382698, 25)
2022-07-21 05:51:38,491 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:51:38,551 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:51:44,912 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:52:03,608 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382698)
2022-07-21 05:52:03,608 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382698, 1658382724, 26)
2022-07-21 05:52:03,609 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:52:03,645 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:52:04,989 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:52:25,069 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:52:28,703 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382724)
2022-07-21 05:52:28,703 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382724, 1658382749, 25)
2022-07-21 05:52:28,703 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:52:28,758 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:52:45,174 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:52:53,801 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382749)
2022-07-21 05:52:53,801 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382749, 1658382774, 25)
2022-07-21 05:52:53,801 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:52:53,851 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:53:05,264 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:53:18,900 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382774)
2022-07-21 05:53:18,900 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382774, 1658382799, 25)
2022-07-21 05:53:18,901 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:53:18,940 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:53:25,333 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:53:44,011 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382799)
2022-07-21 05:53:44,012 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382799, 1658382824, 25)
2022-07-21 05:53:44,012 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:53:44,075 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:53:45,393 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:54:05,460 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:54:09,129 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382824)
2022-07-21 05:54:09,130 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382824, 1658382849, 25)
2022-07-21 05:54:09,131 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:54:09,179 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:54:25,529 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:54:34,227 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382849)
2022-07-21 05:54:34,228 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382849, 1658382874, 25)
2022-07-21 05:54:34,228 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:54:34,266 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:54:45,608 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:54:59,321 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382874)
2022-07-21 05:54:59,321 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382874, 1658382899, 25)
2022-07-21 05:54:59,321 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:54:59,353 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:55:05,698 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:55:24,409 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382899)
2022-07-21 05:55:24,409 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382899, 1658382924, 25)
2022-07-21 05:55:24,409 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:55:24,497 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:55:25,785 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:55:45,862 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:55:49,540 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382924)
2022-07-21 05:55:49,540 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382924, 1658382950, 26)
2022-07-21 05:55:49,541 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:55:49,571 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:56:05,965 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:56:14,644 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382950)
2022-07-21 05:56:14,644 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382950, 1658382975, 25)
2022-07-21 05:56:14,645 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:56:14,715 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:56:26,060 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:56:39,754 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658382975)
2022-07-21 05:56:39,754 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658382975, 1658383000, 25)
2022-07-21 05:56:39,754 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:56:39,789 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:56:46,195 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:57:04,844 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383000)
2022-07-21 05:57:04,845 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383000, 1658383025, 25)
2022-07-21 05:57:04,845 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:57:04,885 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:57:06,263 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:57:26,331 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:57:29,935 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383025)
2022-07-21 05:57:29,935 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383025, 1658383050, 25)
2022-07-21 05:57:29,935 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:57:29,984 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:57:46,408 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:57:55,053 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383050)
2022-07-21 05:57:55,054 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383050, 1658383075, 25)
2022-07-21 05:57:55,054 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:57:55,114 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:58:06,479 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:58:20,191 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383075)
2022-07-21 05:58:20,192 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383075, 1658383100, 25)
2022-07-21 05:58:20,192 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:58:20,246 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:58:26,550 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:58:45,293 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383100)
2022-07-21 05:58:45,293 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383100, 1658383125, 25)
2022-07-21 05:58:45,293 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:58:45,323 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:58:46,613 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:59:06,688 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:59:10,368 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383125)
2022-07-21 05:59:10,369 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383125, 1658383150, 25)
2022-07-21 05:59:10,369 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:59:10,408 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:59:26,760 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 05:59:35,452 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383150)
2022-07-21 05:59:35,453 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383150, 1658383175, 25)
2022-07-21 05:59:35,453 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 05:59:35,491 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 05:59:46,843 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:00:00,542 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383175)
2022-07-21 06:00:00,543 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383175, 1658383201, 26)
2022-07-21 06:00:00,543 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:00:00,572 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:00:06,916 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:00:25,616 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383201)
2022-07-21 06:00:25,616 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383201, 1658383226, 25)
2022-07-21 06:00:25,616 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:00:25,662 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:00:26,974 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:00:47,026 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:00:50,703 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383226)
2022-07-21 06:00:50,703 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383226, 1658383251, 25)
2022-07-21 06:00:50,703 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:00:50,736 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:01:07,105 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:01:15,772 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383251)
2022-07-21 06:01:15,773 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383251, 1658383276, 25)
2022-07-21 06:01:15,773 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:01:15,822 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:01:27,175 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:01:40,880 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383276)
2022-07-21 06:01:40,880 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383276, 1658383301, 25)
2022-07-21 06:01:40,881 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:01:40,942 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:01:47,234 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:02:05,989 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383301)
2022-07-21 06:02:05,989 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383301, 1658383326, 25)
2022-07-21 06:02:05,989 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:02:06,034 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:02:07,322 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:02:27,383 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:02:31,070 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383326)
2022-07-21 06:02:31,071 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383326, 1658383351, 25)
2022-07-21 06:02:31,071 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:02:31,113 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:02:47,452 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:02:56,186 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383351)
2022-07-21 06:02:56,186 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383351, 1658383376, 25)
2022-07-21 06:02:56,187 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:02:56,233 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:03:07,519 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:03:21,282 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383376)
2022-07-21 06:03:21,282 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383376, 1658383401, 25)
2022-07-21 06:03:21,282 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:03:21,323 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:03:27,597 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:03:46,371 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383401)
2022-07-21 06:03:46,372 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383401, 1658383426, 25)
2022-07-21 06:03:46,372 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:03:46,406 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:03:47,662 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:04:07,724 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:04:11,443 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383426)
2022-07-21 06:04:11,443 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383426, 1658383451, 25)
2022-07-21 06:04:11,444 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:04:11,486 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:04:27,798 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:04:36,527 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383451)
2022-07-21 06:04:36,527 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383451, 1658383477, 26)
2022-07-21 06:04:36,527 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:04:36,563 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:04:47,862 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:05:01,597 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383477)
2022-07-21 06:05:01,597 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383477, 1658383502, 25)
2022-07-21 06:05:01,597 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:05:01,647 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:05:07,936 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance
2022-07-21 06:05:26,700 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 359 |  INFO | ('MSHBT: hb_common values ', 6, 'RUNNING', 'dcae-heartbeat-', 1658383502)
2022-07-21 06:05:26,701 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 363 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:pid,srcName,state,time,ctime,timeDiff is', 6, 'dcae-heartbeat-', 'RUNNING', 1658383502, 1658383527, 25)
2022-07-21 06:05:26,701 | __main__ | misshtbtd | main | 379 |  INFO | ('MSHBD:config status is', 'RUNNING')
2022-07-21 06:05:26,741 | __main__ | misshtbtd | create_update_hb_common | 121 |  INFO | MSHBT:Updated  hb_common DB with new values
2022-07-21 06:05:27,989 | __main__ | db_monitoring | db_monitoring | 161 |  INFO | DBM: Active DB Monitoring Instance