
By type

          nginx 05:06:15.95 
nginx 05:06:15.96 Welcome to the Bitnami nginx container
nginx 05:06:15.97 Subscribe to project updates by watching
nginx 05:06:15.98 Submit issues and feature requests at
nginx 05:06:15.99 
nginx 05:06:16.00 INFO  ==> ** Starting NGINX setup **
nginx 05:06:16.05 INFO  ==> Validating settings in NGINX_* env vars
nginx 05:06:16.07 WARN  ==> The NGINX configuration file '/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/nginx.conf' is not writable by current user. Configurations based on environment variables will not be applied.
nginx 05:06:16.10 INFO  ==> Initializing NGINX
realpath: /bitnami/nginx/conf/vhosts: No such file or directory
nginx 05:06:16.16 INFO  ==> ** NGINX setup finished! **

nginx 05:06:16.21 INFO  ==> ** Starting NGINX **