
By type

          The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.utf8".
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".

Data page checksums are disabled.

fixing permissions on existing directory /var/lib/postgresql/data ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... 100
selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
creating configuration files ... ok
running bootstrap script ... ok
sh: locale: not found
2021-05-29 22:52:40.346 UTC [25] WARNING:  no usable system locales were found
performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok

WARNING: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections
You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -A, or
--auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb.
syncing data to disk ... ok

Success. You can now start the database server using:

    pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/data -l logfile start

waiting for server to start....2021-05-29 22:52:42.179 UTC [29] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2021-05-29 22:52:42.248 UTC [30] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2021-05-29 22:52:40 UTC
2021-05-29 22:52:42.591 UTC [29] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
server started


/usr/local/bin/ ignoring /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*

2021-05-29 22:52:43.648 UTC [29] LOG:  received fast shutdown request
waiting for server to shut down....2021-05-29 22:52:43.828 UTC [29] LOG:  aborting any active transactions
2021-05-29 22:52:43.828 UTC [29] LOG:  worker process: logical replication launcher (PID 36) exited with exit code 1
2021-05-29 22:52:43.829 UTC [31] LOG:  shutting down
2021-05-29 22:52:44.518 UTC [29] LOG:  database system is shut down
server stopped

PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.

2021-05-29 22:52:44.850 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2021-05-29 22:52:44.850 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
2021-05-29 22:52:45.060 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2021-05-29 22:52:46.235 UTC [42] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2021-05-29 22:52:44 UTC
2021-05-29 22:52:46.282 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
2021-05-29 22:58:22.351 UTC [59] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 22:58:22.351 UTC [59] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 22:58:27.993 UTC [60] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 22:58:27.993 UTC [60] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 22:58:33.497 UTC [61] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 22:58:33.497 UTC [61] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 22:58:38.889 UTC [62] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 22:58:38.889 UTC [62] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 22:58:44.328 UTC [63] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 22:58:44.328 UTC [63] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 22:58:49.787 UTC [65] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 22:58:49.787 UTC [65] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 22:58:55.253 UTC [66] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 22:58:55.253 UTC [66] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 22:59:00.545 UTC [67] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 22:59:00.545 UTC [67] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 22:59:06.262 UTC [68] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 22:59:06.262 UTC [68] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 22:59:11.948 UTC [69] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 22:59:11.948 UTC [69] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 22:59:17.301 UTC [71] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 22:59:17.301 UTC [71] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 22:59:22.716 UTC [72] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 22:59:22.716 UTC [72] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:03:03.153 UTC [80] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:03:03.153 UTC [80] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:03:08.773 UTC [81] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:03:08.773 UTC [81] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:03:14.199 UTC [82] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:03:14.199 UTC [82] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:03:21.410 UTC [84] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:03:21.410 UTC [84] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:03:26.831 UTC [85] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:03:26.831 UTC [85] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:03:32.292 UTC [86] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:03:32.292 UTC [86] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:03:37.828 UTC [87] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:03:37.828 UTC [87] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:03:43.427 UTC [88] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:03:43.427 UTC [88] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:03:48.935 UTC [90] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:03:48.935 UTC [90] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:03:54.429 UTC [91] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:03:54.429 UTC [91] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:04:00.150 UTC [92] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:04:00.150 UTC [92] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:04:18.202 UTC [94] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:04:18.202 UTC [94] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:04:23.808 UTC [95] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:04:23.808 UTC [95] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:04:29.344 UTC [96] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:04:29.344 UTC [96] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:04:34.840 UTC [97] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:04:34.840 UTC [97] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:04:40.286 UTC [98] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:04:40.286 UTC [98] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:04:45.909 UTC [99] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:04:45.909 UTC [99] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:04:51.476 UTC [101] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:04:51.476 UTC [101] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:04:56.932 UTC [102] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:04:56.932 UTC [102] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:05:02.741 UTC [103] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:05:02.741 UTC [103] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:05:08.222 UTC [104] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:05:08.222 UTC [104] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:05:13.584 UTC [105] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:05:13.584 UTC [105] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:05:19.005 UTC [107] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:05:19.005 UTC [107] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:05:26.693 UTC [108] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:05:26.693 UTC [108] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:05:32.111 UTC [109] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:05:32.111 UTC [109] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:05:37.701 UTC [110] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:05:37.701 UTC [110] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:05:43.271 UTC [111] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:05:43.271 UTC [111] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:05:48.840 UTC [113] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:05:48.840 UTC [113] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:05:54.207 UTC [114] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:05:54.207 UTC [114] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:05:59.718 UTC [115] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:05:59.718 UTC [115] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:06:05.207 UTC [116] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:06:05.207 UTC [116] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:06:10.709 UTC [117] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:06:10.709 UTC [117] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:06:16.190 UTC [118] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:06:16.190 UTC [118] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:06:21.545 UTC [120] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:06:21.545 UTC [120] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:06:27.051 UTC [121] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:06:27.051 UTC [121] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:06:36.010 UTC [122] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:06:36.010 UTC [122] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:06:41.450 UTC [123] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:06:41.450 UTC [123] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:06:47.032 UTC [125] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:06:47.032 UTC [125] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:06:52.473 UTC [126] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:06:52.473 UTC [126] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:06:58.040 UTC [127] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:06:58.040 UTC [127] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:07:03.507 UTC [128] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:07:03.507 UTC [128] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:07:08.952 UTC [129] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:07:08.952 UTC [129] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:07:14.590 UTC [130] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:07:14.590 UTC [130] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:07:20.257 UTC [132] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:07:20.257 UTC [132] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:07:25.747 UTC [133] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:07:25.747 UTC [133] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:07:31.227 UTC [134] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:07:31.227 UTC [134] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:07:36.909 UTC [135] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:07:36.909 UTC [135] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:09:10.704 UTC [139] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:09:10.704 UTC [139] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:09:16.661 UTC [140] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:09:16.661 UTC [140] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:09:22.292 UTC [142] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:09:22.292 UTC [142] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:09:27.812 UTC [143] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:09:27.812 UTC [143] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:09:33.296 UTC [144] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:09:33.296 UTC [144] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:09:38.798 UTC [145] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:09:38.798 UTC [145] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:09:44.258 UTC [146] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:09:44.258 UTC [146] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:09:49.818 UTC [148] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:09:49.818 UTC [148] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:09:55.509 UTC [149] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:09:55.509 UTC [149] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:10:01.080 UTC [150] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:10:01.080 UTC [150] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:10:06.648 UTC [151] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:10:06.648 UTC [151] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:13:05.225 UTC [158] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:13:05.225 UTC [158] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:13:10.669 UTC [159] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:13:10.669 UTC [159] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:13:16.035 UTC [160] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:13:16.035 UTC [160] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:13:21.430 UTC [162] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:13:21.430 UTC [162] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:13:26.978 UTC [163] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:13:26.978 UTC [163] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:13:32.362 UTC [164] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:13:32.362 UTC [164] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:13:37.686 UTC [165] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:13:37.686 UTC [165] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:13:43.064 UTC [166] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:13:43.064 UTC [166] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:13:48.528 UTC [168] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:13:48.528 UTC [168] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:13:54.094 UTC [169] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:13:54.094 UTC [169] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:13:59.542 UTC [170] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:13:59.542 UTC [170] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:14:04.855 UTC [171] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:14:04.855 UTC [171] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:14:10.266 UTC [172] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:14:10.266 UTC [172] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:19:26.249 UTC [184] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:19:26.249 UTC [184] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:19:31.704 UTC [185] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:19:31.704 UTC [185] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:19:37.162 UTC [186] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:19:37.162 UTC [186] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:19:42.657 UTC [187] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:19:42.657 UTC [187] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:19:48.080 UTC [189] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:19:48.080 UTC [189] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:19:53.480 UTC [190] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:19:53.480 UTC [190] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:19:58.864 UTC [191] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:19:58.864 UTC [191] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:20:04.442 UTC [192] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:20:04.442 UTC [192] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:20:09.944 UTC [193] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:20:09.944 UTC [193] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:20:15.377 UTC [194] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:20:15.377 UTC [194] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:20:20.919 UTC [196] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:20:20.919 UTC [196] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:20:26.503 UTC [197] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:20:26.503 UTC [197] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:30:43.217 UTC [218] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:30:43.217 UTC [218] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:30:48.692 UTC [220] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:30:48.692 UTC [220] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:30:54.259 UTC [221] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:30:54.259 UTC [221] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:30:59.701 UTC [222] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:30:59.701 UTC [222] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:31:05.160 UTC [223] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:31:05.160 UTC [223] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:31:10.596 UTC [224] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:31:10.596 UTC [224] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:31:16.293 UTC [225] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:31:16.293 UTC [225] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:31:21.949 UTC [227] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:31:21.949 UTC [227] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:31:27.277 UTC [228] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:31:27.277 UTC [228] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:31:32.734 UTC [229] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:31:32.734 UTC [229] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:31:39.301 UTC [230] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:31:39.301 UTC [230] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:31:48.981 UTC [232] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:31:48.981 UTC [232] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:31:54.717 UTC [233] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:31:54.717 UTC [233] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:32:00.429 UTC [234] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:32:00.429 UTC [234] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:32:05.974 UTC [235] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:32:05.974 UTC [235] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:32:11.633 UTC [236] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:32:11.633 UTC [236] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:32:17.276 UTC [238] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:32:17.276 UTC [238] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:32:22.670 UTC [239] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:32:22.670 UTC [239] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:32:28.181 UTC [240] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:32:28.181 UTC [240] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:32:33.639 UTC [241] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:32:33.639 UTC [241] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:32:39.564 UTC [242] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:32:39.564 UTC [242] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:32:44.987 UTC [243] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:32:44.987 UTC [243] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:32:50.371 UTC [245] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:32:50.371 UTC [245] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:32:57.198 UTC [246] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:32:57.198 UTC [246] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:33:02.627 UTC [247] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:33:02.627 UTC [247] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:33:08.005 UTC [248] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:33:08.005 UTC [248] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:33:13.403 UTC [249] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:33:13.403 UTC [249] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:33:18.945 UTC [251] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:33:18.945 UTC [251] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:33:24.330 UTC [252] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:33:24.330 UTC [252] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:33:29.871 UTC [253] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:33:29.871 UTC [253] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:33:35.240 UTC [254] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:33:35.240 UTC [254] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:33:40.844 UTC [255] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:33:40.844 UTC [255] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:33:46.532 UTC [256] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:33:46.532 UTC [256] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:33:51.860 UTC [258] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:33:51.860 UTC [258] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:33:57.248 UTC [259] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:33:57.248 UTC [259] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:34:05.565 UTC [260] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:34:05.565 UTC [260] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:34:10.983 UTC [261] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:34:10.983 UTC [261] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:34:16.513 UTC [262] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:34:16.513 UTC [262] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:34:21.912 UTC [264] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:34:21.912 UTC [264] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:34:27.393 UTC [265] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:34:27.393 UTC [265] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:34:32.820 UTC [266] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:34:32.820 UTC [266] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:34:38.172 UTC [267] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:34:38.172 UTC [267] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:34:43.690 UTC [268] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:34:43.690 UTC [268] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:34:49.312 UTC [270] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:34:49.312 UTC [270] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:34:54.874 UTC [271] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:34:54.874 UTC [271] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:35:00.417 UTC [272] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:35:00.417 UTC [272] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:35:05.837 UTC [273] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:35:05.837 UTC [273] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:35:15.019 UTC [274] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:35:15.019 UTC [274] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:35:20.671 UTC [276] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:35:20.671 UTC [276] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:35:26.145 UTC [277] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:35:26.145 UTC [277] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:35:31.598 UTC [278] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:35:31.598 UTC [278] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:35:37.010 UTC [279] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:35:37.010 UTC [279] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:35:42.357 UTC [280] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:35:42.357 UTC [280] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:35:47.953 UTC [282] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:35:47.953 UTC [282] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:35:53.317 UTC [283] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:35:53.317 UTC [283] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:35:58.779 UTC [284] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:35:58.779 UTC [284] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:36:04.272 UTC [285] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:36:04.272 UTC [285] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:36:09.758 UTC [286] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:36:09.758 UTC [286] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:36:15.343 UTC [287] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:36:15.343 UTC [287] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:38:11.593 UTC [292] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:38:11.593 UTC [292] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:38:16.963 UTC [293] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:38:16.963 UTC [293] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:38:22.318 UTC [295] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:38:22.318 UTC [295] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:38:27.721 UTC [296] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:38:27.721 UTC [296] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:38:33.143 UTC [297] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:38:33.143 UTC [297] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:38:38.630 UTC [298] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:38:38.630 UTC [298] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:38:44.291 UTC [299] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:38:44.291 UTC [299] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:38:49.686 UTC [301] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:38:49.686 UTC [301] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:38:55.094 UTC [302] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:38:55.094 UTC [302] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:39:00.523 UTC [303] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:39:00.523 UTC [303] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:39:05.877 UTC [304] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:39:05.877 UTC [304] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:39:15.757 UTC [305] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:39:15.757 UTC [305] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:39:21.366 UTC [307] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:39:21.366 UTC [307] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:39:26.858 UTC [308] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:39:26.858 UTC [308] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:39:32.280 UTC [309] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:39:32.280 UTC [309] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:39:37.849 UTC [310] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:39:37.849 UTC [310] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:39:43.347 UTC [311] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:39:43.347 UTC [311] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:39:48.955 UTC [313] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:39:48.955 UTC [313] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:39:54.436 UTC [314] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:39:54.436 UTC [314] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:39:59.867 UTC [315] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:39:59.867 UTC [315] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:40:05.293 UTC [316] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:40:05.293 UTC [316] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:40:10.742 UTC [317] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:40:10.742 UTC [317] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:40:16.275 UTC [318] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:40:16.275 UTC [318] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:43:17.386 UTC [325] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:43:17.386 UTC [325] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:43:23.084 UTC [327] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:43:23.084 UTC [327] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:43:28.509 UTC [328] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:43:28.509 UTC [328] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:43:34.025 UTC [329] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:43:34.025 UTC [329] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:43:39.483 UTC [330] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:43:39.483 UTC [330] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:43:44.993 UTC [331] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:43:44.993 UTC [331] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:43:50.365 UTC [333] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:43:50.365 UTC [333] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:43:55.792 UTC [334] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:43:55.792 UTC [334] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:44:01.330 UTC [335] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:44:01.330 UTC [335] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:44:06.834 UTC [336] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:44:06.834 UTC [336] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:44:12.266 UTC [337] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:44:12.266 UTC [337] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:44:17.719 UTC [339] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:44:17.719 UTC [339] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:49:41.670 UTC [350] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:49:41.670 UTC [350] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:49:47.181 UTC [351] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:49:47.181 UTC [351] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:49:52.528 UTC [353] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:49:52.528 UTC [353] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:49:57.908 UTC [354] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:49:57.908 UTC [354] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:50:03.303 UTC [355] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:50:03.303 UTC [355] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:50:08.751 UTC [356] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:50:08.751 UTC [356] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:50:14.268 UTC [357] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:50:14.268 UTC [357] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:50:19.676 UTC [359] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:50:19.676 UTC [359] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:50:25.058 UTC [360] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:50:25.058 UTC [360] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:50:30.506 UTC [361] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:50:30.506 UTC [361] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:50:36.002 UTC [362] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:50:36.002 UTC [362] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:50:48.832 UTC [364] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:50:48.832 UTC [364] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:50:54.262 UTC [365] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:50:54.262 UTC [365] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:50:59.693 UTC [366] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:50:59.693 UTC [366] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:51:05.091 UTC [367] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:51:05.091 UTC [367] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:51:10.417 UTC [368] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:51:10.417 UTC [368] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:51:15.849 UTC [369] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:51:15.849 UTC [369] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:51:21.405 UTC [371] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:51:21.405 UTC [371] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:51:26.870 UTC [372] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:51:26.870 UTC [372] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:51:32.334 UTC [373] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:51:32.334 UTC [373] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:51:37.741 UTC [374] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:51:37.741 UTC [374] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:51:43.220 UTC [375] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:51:43.220 UTC [375] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:51:48.804 UTC [377] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:51:48.804 UTC [377] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:57:02.596 UTC [388] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:57:02.596 UTC [388] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:57:08.094 UTC [389] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:57:08.094 UTC [389] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:57:13.475 UTC [390] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:57:13.475 UTC [390] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:57:18.968 UTC [392] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:57:18.968 UTC [392] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:57:24.492 UTC [393] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:57:24.492 UTC [393] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:57:30.038 UTC [394] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:57:30.038 UTC [394] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:57:35.664 UTC [395] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:57:35.664 UTC [395] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:57:41.292 UTC [396] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:57:41.292 UTC [396] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:57:46.806 UTC [397] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:57:46.806 UTC [397] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:57:52.360 UTC [399] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:57:52.360 UTC [399] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:57:58.059 UTC [400] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:57:58.059 UTC [400] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:58:07.085 UTC [401] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:58:07.085 UTC [401] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:58:12.469 UTC [402] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:58:12.469 UTC [402] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:58:17.918 UTC [404] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:58:17.918 UTC [404] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:58:23.381 UTC [405] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:58:23.381 UTC [405] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:58:28.842 UTC [406] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:58:28.842 UTC [406] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:58:34.561 UTC [407] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:58:34.561 UTC [407] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:58:40.047 UTC [408] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:58:40.047 UTC [408] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:58:45.532 UTC [409] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:58:45.532 UTC [409] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:58:50.905 UTC [411] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:58:50.905 UTC [411] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:58:56.477 UTC [412] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:58:56.477 UTC [412] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:59:01.987 UTC [413] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:59:01.987 UTC [413] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-29 23:59:07.508 UTC [414] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-29 23:59:07.508 UTC [414] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:04:23.290 UTC [426] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:04:23.290 UTC [426] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:04:28.753 UTC [427] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:04:28.753 UTC [427] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:04:34.201 UTC [428] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:04:34.201 UTC [428] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:04:39.625 UTC [429] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:04:39.625 UTC [429] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:04:45.434 UTC [430] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:04:45.434 UTC [430] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:04:51.033 UTC [432] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:04:51.033 UTC [432] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:04:56.594 UTC [433] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:04:56.594 UTC [433] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:05:02.192 UTC [434] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:05:02.192 UTC [434] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:05:08.162 UTC [435] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:05:08.162 UTC [435] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:05:13.768 UTC [436] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:05:13.768 UTC [436] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:05:19.178 UTC [438] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:05:19.178 UTC [438] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:05:27.988 UTC [439] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:05:27.988 UTC [439] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:05:33.500 UTC [440] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:05:33.500 UTC [440] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:05:38.956 UTC [441] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:05:38.956 UTC [441] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:05:44.386 UTC [442] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:05:44.386 UTC [442] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:05:49.941 UTC [444] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:05:49.941 UTC [444] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:05:55.484 UTC [445] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:05:55.484 UTC [445] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:06:00.895 UTC [446] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:06:00.895 UTC [446] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:06:06.482 UTC [447] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:06:06.482 UTC [447] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:06:11.927 UTC [448] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:06:11.927 UTC [448] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:06:17.517 UTC [449] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:06:17.517 UTC [449] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:06:22.960 UTC [451] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:06:22.960 UTC [451] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:06:28.376 UTC [452] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:06:28.376 UTC [452] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:11:41.547 UTC [463] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:11:41.547 UTC [463] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:11:46.945 UTC [464] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:11:46.945 UTC [464] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:11:52.341 UTC [466] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:11:52.341 UTC [466] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:11:57.799 UTC [467] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:11:57.799 UTC [467] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:12:03.215 UTC [468] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:12:03.215 UTC [468] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:12:08.824 UTC [469] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:12:08.824 UTC [469] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:12:14.235 UTC [470] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:12:14.235 UTC [470] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:12:19.675 UTC [472] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:12:19.675 UTC [472] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:12:25.290 UTC [473] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:12:25.290 UTC [473] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:12:30.716 UTC [474] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:12:30.716 UTC [474] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:12:36.131 UTC [475] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:12:36.131 UTC [475] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:12:47.286 UTC [476] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:12:47.286 UTC [476] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:12:52.710 UTC [478] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:12:52.710 UTC [478] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:12:58.145 UTC [479] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:12:58.145 UTC [479] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:13:03.631 UTC [480] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:13:03.631 UTC [480] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:13:09.047 UTC [481] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:13:09.047 UTC [481] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:13:14.483 UTC [482] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:13:14.483 UTC [482] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:13:19.959 UTC [484] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:13:19.959 UTC [484] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:13:25.497 UTC [485] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:13:25.497 UTC [485] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:13:30.995 UTC [486] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:13:30.995 UTC [486] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:13:36.442 UTC [487] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:13:36.442 UTC [487] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:13:41.874 UTC [488] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:13:41.874 UTC [488] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:13:47.266 UTC [489] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:13:47.266 UTC [489] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:19:06.632 UTC [501] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:19:06.632 UTC [501] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:19:12.095 UTC [502] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:19:12.095 UTC [502] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:19:17.531 UTC [503] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:19:17.531 UTC [503] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:19:22.969 UTC [505] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:19:22.969 UTC [505] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:19:28.363 UTC [506] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:19:28.363 UTC [506] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:19:34.051 UTC [507] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:19:34.051 UTC [507] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:19:39.545 UTC [508] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:19:39.545 UTC [508] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:19:44.955 UTC [509] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:19:44.955 UTC [509] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:19:50.354 UTC [511] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:19:50.354 UTC [511] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:19:56.048 UTC [512] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:19:56.048 UTC [512] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:20:01.555 UTC [513] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:20:01.555 UTC [513] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:20:07.045 UTC [514] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:20:07.045 UTC [514] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:20:15.695 UTC [515] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:20:15.695 UTC [515] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:20:21.345 UTC [517] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:20:21.345 UTC [517] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:20:26.795 UTC [518] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:20:26.795 UTC [518] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:20:32.238 UTC [519] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:20:32.238 UTC [519] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:20:37.861 UTC [520] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:20:37.861 UTC [520] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:20:43.317 UTC [521] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:20:43.317 UTC [521] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:20:48.686 UTC [523] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:20:48.686 UTC [523] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:20:54.141 UTC [524] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:20:54.141 UTC [524] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:20:59.536 UTC [525] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:20:59.536 UTC [525] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:21:04.898 UTC [526] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:21:04.898 UTC [526] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:21:10.359 UTC [527] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:21:10.359 UTC [527] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:21:15.714 UTC [528] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:21:15.714 UTC [528] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:26:29.449 UTC [540] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:26:29.449 UTC [540] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:26:35.075 UTC [541] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:26:35.075 UTC [541] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:26:40.573 UTC [542] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:26:40.573 UTC [542] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:26:46.103 UTC [543] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:26:46.103 UTC [543] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:26:51.528 UTC [545] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:26:51.528 UTC [545] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:26:57.097 UTC [546] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:26:57.097 UTC [546] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:27:02.590 UTC [547] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:27:02.590 UTC [547] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:27:08.096 UTC [548] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:27:08.096 UTC [548] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:27:13.527 UTC [549] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:27:13.527 UTC [549] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:27:18.980 UTC [551] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:27:18.980 UTC [551] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:27:24.455 UTC [552] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:27:24.455 UTC [552] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:27:29.974 UTC [553] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:27:29.974 UTC [553] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:27:39.061 UTC [554] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:27:39.061 UTC [554] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:27:44.642 UTC [555] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:27:44.642 UTC [555] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:27:50.290 UTC [557] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:27:50.290 UTC [557] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:27:55.835 UTC [558] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:27:55.835 UTC [558] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:28:01.456 UTC [559] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:28:01.456 UTC [559] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:28:06.930 UTC [560] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:28:06.930 UTC [560] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:28:12.349 UTC [561] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:28:12.349 UTC [561] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:28:17.898 UTC [562] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:28:17.898 UTC [562] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:28:23.400 UTC [564] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:28:23.400 UTC [564] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:28:28.852 UTC [565] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:28:28.852 UTC [565] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:28:34.510 UTC [566] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:28:34.510 UTC [566] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:33:47.412 UTC [578] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:33:47.412 UTC [578] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:33:52.855 UTC [580] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:33:52.855 UTC [580] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:33:58.316 UTC [581] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:33:58.316 UTC [581] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:34:03.801 UTC [582] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:34:03.801 UTC [582] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:34:09.317 UTC [583] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:34:09.317 UTC [583] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:34:14.946 UTC [584] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:34:14.946 UTC [584] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:34:20.484 UTC [586] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:34:20.484 UTC [586] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:34:26.421 UTC [587] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:34:26.421 UTC [587] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:34:31.900 UTC [588] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:34:31.900 UTC [588] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:34:37.521 UTC [589] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:34:37.521 UTC [589] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:34:43.230 UTC [590] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:34:43.230 UTC [590] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:34:48.749 UTC [592] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:34:48.749 UTC [592] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:34:58.266 UTC [593] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:34:58.266 UTC [593] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:35:03.824 UTC [594] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:35:03.824 UTC [594] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:35:09.406 UTC [595] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:35:09.406 UTC [595] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:35:14.914 UTC [596] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:35:14.914 UTC [596] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:35:20.368 UTC [598] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:35:20.368 UTC [598] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:35:25.894 UTC [599] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:35:25.894 UTC [599] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:35:31.506 UTC [600] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:35:31.506 UTC [600] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:35:37.214 UTC [601] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:35:37.214 UTC [601] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:35:42.812 UTC [602] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:35:42.812 UTC [602] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:35:48.299 UTC [603] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:35:48.299 UTC [603] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:35:53.773 UTC [605] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:35:53.773 UTC [605] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:35:59.272 UTC [606] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:35:59.272 UTC [606] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:41:18.413 UTC [617] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:41:18.413 UTC [617] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:41:23.937 UTC [619] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:41:23.937 UTC [619] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:41:29.338 UTC [620] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:41:29.338 UTC [620] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:41:34.834 UTC [621] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:41:34.834 UTC [621] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:41:40.339 UTC [622] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:41:40.339 UTC [622] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:41:45.795 UTC [623] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:41:45.795 UTC [623] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:41:51.268 UTC [625] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:41:51.268 UTC [625] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:41:56.843 UTC [626] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:41:56.843 UTC [626] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:42:02.387 UTC [627] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:42:02.387 UTC [627] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:42:07.873 UTC [628] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:42:07.873 UTC [628] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:42:13.385 UTC [629] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:42:13.385 UTC [629] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:42:19.212 UTC [631] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:42:19.212 UTC [631] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:42:27.251 UTC [632] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:42:27.251 UTC [632] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:42:32.892 UTC [633] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:42:32.892 UTC [633] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:42:38.357 UTC [634] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:42:38.357 UTC [634] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:42:43.842 UTC [635] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:42:43.842 UTC [635] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:42:49.325 UTC [637] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:42:49.325 UTC [637] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:42:55.053 UTC [638] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:42:55.053 UTC [638] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:43:00.608 UTC [639] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:43:00.608 UTC [639] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:43:06.165 UTC [640] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:43:06.165 UTC [640] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:43:11.774 UTC [641] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:43:11.774 UTC [641] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:43:17.373 UTC [642] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:43:17.373 UTC [642] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:43:22.779 UTC [644] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:43:22.779 UTC [644] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:43:28.228 UTC [645] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:43:28.228 UTC [645] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:48:40.832 UTC [656] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:48:40.832 UTC [656] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:48:46.454 UTC [657] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:48:46.454 UTC [657] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:48:51.963 UTC [659] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:48:51.963 UTC [659] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:48:57.647 UTC [660] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:48:57.647 UTC [660] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:49:03.145 UTC [661] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:49:03.145 UTC [661] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:49:08.783 UTC [662] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:49:08.783 UTC [662] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:49:14.346 UTC [663] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:49:14.346 UTC [663] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:49:19.966 UTC [665] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:49:19.966 UTC [665] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:49:25.424 UTC [666] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:49:25.424 UTC [666] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:49:30.879 UTC [667] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:49:30.879 UTC [667] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:49:36.377 UTC [668] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:49:36.377 UTC [668] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:49:46.965 UTC [669] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:49:46.965 UTC [669] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:49:52.392 UTC [671] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:49:52.392 UTC [671] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:49:57.870 UTC [672] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:49:57.870 UTC [672] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:50:03.307 UTC [673] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:50:03.307 UTC [673] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:50:08.772 UTC [674] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:50:08.772 UTC [674] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:50:14.185 UTC [675] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:50:14.185 UTC [675] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:50:19.637 UTC [677] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:50:19.637 UTC [677] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:50:25.149 UTC [678] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:50:25.149 UTC [678] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:50:30.903 UTC [679] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:50:30.903 UTC [679] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:50:36.616 UTC [680] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:50:36.616 UTC [680] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:50:42.175 UTC [681] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:50:42.175 UTC [681] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:50:47.641 UTC [682] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:50:47.641 UTC [682] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:56:12.113 UTC [694] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:56:12.113 UTC [694] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:56:17.704 UTC [695] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:56:17.704 UTC [695] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:56:23.273 UTC [697] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:56:23.273 UTC [697] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:56:28.842 UTC [698] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:56:28.842 UTC [698] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:56:34.309 UTC [699] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:56:34.309 UTC [699] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:56:39.773 UTC [700] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:56:39.773 UTC [700] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:56:45.527 UTC [701] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:56:45.527 UTC [701] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:56:51.277 UTC [703] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:56:51.277 UTC [703] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:56:56.977 UTC [704] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:56:56.977 UTC [704] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:57:02.372 UTC [705] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:57:02.372 UTC [705] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:57:07.883 UTC [706] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:57:07.883 UTC [706] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:57:21.742 UTC [708] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:57:21.742 UTC [708] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:57:27.268 UTC [709] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:57:27.268 UTC [709] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:57:32.786 UTC [710] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:57:32.786 UTC [710] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:57:38.291 UTC [711] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:57:38.291 UTC [711] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:57:43.901 UTC [712] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:57:43.901 UTC [712] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:57:49.381 UTC [714] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:57:49.381 UTC [714] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:57:54.880 UTC [715] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:57:54.880 UTC [715] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:58:00.405 UTC [716] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:58:00.405 UTC [716] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:58:05.877 UTC [717] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:58:05.877 UTC [717] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:58:11.376 UTC [718] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:58:11.376 UTC [718] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:58:16.858 UTC [719] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:58:16.858 UTC [719] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:58:27.230 UTC [721] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:58:27.230 UTC [721] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:58:32.710 UTC [722] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:58:32.710 UTC [722] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:58:38.169 UTC [723] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:58:38.169 UTC [723] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:58:43.681 UTC [724] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:58:43.681 UTC [724] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:58:49.350 UTC [726] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:58:49.350 UTC [726] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:58:55.020 UTC [727] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:58:55.020 UTC [727] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:59:00.499 UTC [728] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:59:00.499 UTC [728] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:59:06.013 UTC [729] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:59:06.013 UTC [729] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:59:11.506 UTC [730] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:59:11.506 UTC [730] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:59:17.018 UTC [731] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:59:17.018 UTC [731] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:59:22.593 UTC [733] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:59:22.593 UTC [733] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 00:59:28.081 UTC [734] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 00:59:28.081 UTC [734] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:04:43.108 UTC [745] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:04:43.108 UTC [745] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:04:48.959 UTC [746] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:04:48.959 UTC [746] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:04:54.524 UTC [748] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:04:54.524 UTC [748] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:05:00.066 UTC [749] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:05:00.066 UTC [749] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:05:05.758 UTC [750] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:05:05.758 UTC [750] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:05:11.475 UTC [751] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:05:11.475 UTC [751] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:05:17.146 UTC [752] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:05:17.146 UTC [752] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:05:22.720 UTC [754] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:05:22.720 UTC [754] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:05:28.410 UTC [755] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:05:28.410 UTC [755] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:05:33.951 UTC [756] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:05:33.951 UTC [756] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:05:39.494 UTC [757] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:05:39.494 UTC [757] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:05:48.365 UTC [758] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:05:48.365 UTC [758] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:05:53.851 UTC [760] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:05:53.851 UTC [760] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:05:59.574 UTC [761] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:05:59.574 UTC [761] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:06:05.153 UTC [762] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:06:05.153 UTC [762] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:06:10.641 UTC [763] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:06:10.641 UTC [763] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:06:16.326 UTC [764] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:06:16.326 UTC [764] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:06:21.874 UTC [766] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:06:21.874 UTC [766] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:06:27.489 UTC [767] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:06:27.489 UTC [767] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:06:32.980 UTC [768] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:06:32.980 UTC [768] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:06:38.533 UTC [769] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:06:38.533 UTC [769] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:06:44.053 UTC [770] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:06:44.053 UTC [770] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)
2021-05-30 01:06:49.821 UTC [772] ERROR:  relation "dcim_cable" already exists
2021-05-30 01:06:49.821 UTC [772] STATEMENT:  CREATE TABLE "dcim_cable" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "created" date NULL, "last_updated" timestamp with time zone NULL, "termination_a_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_a_id" >= 0), "termination_b_id" integer NOT NULL CHECK ("termination_b_id" >= 0), "type" smallint NULL CHECK ("type" >= 0), "status" boolean NOT NULL, "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "color" varchar(6) NOT NULL, "length" smallint NULL CHECK ("length" >= 0), "length_unit" smallint NULL CHECK ("length_unit" >= 0), "_abs_length" numeric(10, 4) NULL, "termination_a_type_id" integer NOT NULL, "termination_b_type_id" integer NOT NULL)