
By type

          VM_ARGS=-Dcom.att.eelf.logging.file=logback.xml -Dcom.att.eelf.logging.path=/share/etc/config -Dserver.local.startpath= -Dserver.ssl.key-store=/share/etc/osaaf/local/org.onap.oof.jks -Dserver.ssl.key-store-password=IdSYa9hU{1XLC)#%{taF17t[
23:22:50.608 [main] INFO com.att.eelf - EELF0005I Searching path "/share/etc/config" for log configuration file "logback.xml"
23:22:50.608 [main] INFO  com.att.eelf - EELF0005I Searching path "/share/etc/config" for log configuration file "logback.xml"
23:22:50.613 [main] INFO com.att.eelf - EELF0002I Loading logging configuration from file "/share/etc/config/logback.xml"
23:22:50.613 [main] INFO  com.att.eelf - EELF0002I Loading logging configuration from file "/share/etc/config/logback.xml"
	   ____  ____  ____________   ________  ________ ____ 
	  / __ \/ __ \/_  __/ ____/  / ____/  |/  / ___// __ \
	 / / / / /_/ / / / / /_     / /   / /|_/ /\__ \/ / / /
	/ /_/ / ____/ / / / __/    / /___/ /  / /___/ / /_/ / 
	\____/_/     /_/ /_/       \____/_/  /_//____/\____/ 


2021-05-29 23:22:52.446  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : Starting Application on onap-oof-cmso-optimizer-d4db49d65-pdjlw with PID 9 (/opt/app/cmso/app.jar started by onap in /opt/app/cmso)
2021-05-29 23:22:52.447  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : The following profiles are active: aaf-auth
2021-05-29 23:22:56.137  INFO 9 --- [           main] .s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate : Bootstrapping Spring Data JPA repositories in DEFAULT mode.
2021-05-29 23:22:56.428  INFO 9 --- [           main] .s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate : Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 222ms. Found 5 JPA repository interfaces.
2021-05-29 23:22:58.934  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat initialized with port(s): 7997 (https)
2021-05-29 23:22:58.954  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.apache.catalina.core.StandardService   : Starting service [Tomcat]
2021-05-29 23:22:58.955  INFO 9 --- [           main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine  : Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.31]
2021-05-29 23:22:59.140  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.a.c.c.C.[.[localhost].[/optimizer]     : Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
2021-05-29 23:22:59.140  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.s.web.context.ContextLoader            : Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 6513 ms
2021-05-29 23:23:03.529  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.hibernate.jpa.internal.util.LogHelper  : HHH000204: Processing PersistenceUnitInfo [name: default]
2021-05-29 23:23:03.741  INFO 9 --- [           main] org.hibernate.Version                    : HHH000412: Hibernate ORM core version 5.4.12.Final
2021-05-29 23:23:04.130  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.hibernate.annotations.common.Version   : HCANN000001: Hibernate Commons Annotations {5.1.0.Final}
2021-05-29 23:23:04.368  INFO 9 --- [           main] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource       : HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2021-05-29 23:23:04.704  INFO 9 --- [           main] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource       : HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2021-05-29 23:23:04.735  INFO 9 --- [           main] org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect            : HHH000400: Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
2021-05-29 23:23:06.562  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.h.e.t.j.p.i.JtaPlatformInitiator       : HHH000490: Using JtaPlatform implementation: [org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.internal.NoJtaPlatform]
2021-05-29 23:23:06.844  INFO 9 --- [           main] j.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean : Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'default'
2021-05-29 23:23:08.227  WARN 9 --- [           main] JpaBaseConfiguration$JpaWebConfiguration : is enabled by default. Therefore, database queries may be performed during view rendering. Explicitly configure to disable this warning
2021-05-29 23:23:09.032  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.s.s.web.DefaultSecurityFilterChain     : Creating filter chain: any request, [,,,,,,,,,,]
2021-05-29 23:23:09.115  WARN 9 --- [           main] uration$JodaDateTimeJacksonConfiguration : Auto-configuration of Jackson's Joda-Time integration is deprecated in favor of using java.time (JSR-310).
2021-05-29 23:23:09.443  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.s.s.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor  : Initializing ExecutorService 'applicationTaskExecutor'
2021-05-29 23:23:10.332  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.s.b.a.e.web.EndpointLinksResolver      : Exposing 2 endpoint(s) beneath base path '/actuator'
2021-05-29 23:23:11.030  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.031  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.031  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.032  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.032  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.032  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.033  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.033  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.033  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.033  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.034  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.034  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.034  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.034  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.035  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.035  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.035  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.035  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.035  WARN 9 --- [           main]   : jsseUtil.trustedCertNotValid
2021-05-29 23:23:11.209  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat started on port(s): 7997 (https) with context path '/optimizer'
2021-05-29 23:23:11.213  INFO 9 --- [           main] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : Started Application in 20.278 seconds (JVM running for 23.046)
2021-05-30 00:30:52.409  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-24] o.a.c.c.C.[.[localhost].[/optimizer]     : Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2021-05-30 00:30:52.410  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-24] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet        : Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2021-05-30 00:30:52.421  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-24] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet        : Completed initialization in 11 ms
2021-05-30 00:30:52.517  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-24] o.o.o.c.o.c.BasicAuthenticatorFilter     : user: pass:****
2021-05-30 00:30:52.810  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-24] com.att.eelf.audit                       : OUTGOING_MESSAGE Outgoing message method=GET path=/authz/perms/user/
2021-05-30 00:30:52.811  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-24] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : OUTGOING_MESSAGE Outgoing message method=GET path=/authz/perms/user/
2021-05-30 00:30:53.120  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-24] com.att.eelf.audit                       : OUTGOING_MESSAGE_RETURNED Outgoing message returned method=GET path=/authz/perms/user/ status=OK
2021-05-30 00:30:53.121  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-24] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : OUTGOING_MESSAGE_RETURNED Outgoing message returned method=GET path=/authz/perms/user/ status=OK
2021-05-30 00:30:53.238  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-24] com.att.eelf.audit                       : INCOMING_MESSAGE Incoming message method=GET path=v1/health
2021-05-30 00:30:53.238  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-24] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : INCOMING_MESSAGE Incoming message method=GET path=v1/health
2021-05-30 00:30:53.438  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-24] com.att.eelf.audit                       : INCOMING_MESSAGE_RESPONSE Message response method=GET path=v1/health status=OK
2021-05-30 00:30:53.438  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-24] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : INCOMING_MESSAGE_RESPONSE Message response method=GET path=v1/health status=OK
2021-05-30 00:33:38.316  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-15] com.att.eelf.audit                       : INCOMING_MESSAGE Incoming message method=GET path=v1/health
2021-05-30 00:33:38.316  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-15] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : INCOMING_MESSAGE Incoming message method=GET path=v1/health
2021-05-30 00:33:38.410  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-15] com.att.eelf.audit                       : INCOMING_MESSAGE_RESPONSE Message response method=GET path=v1/health status=OK
2021-05-30 00:33:38.411  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-15] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : INCOMING_MESSAGE_RESPONSE Message response method=GET path=v1/health status=OK
2021-05-30 00:35:39.549  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-22] com.att.eelf.audit                       : INCOMING_MESSAGE Incoming message method=GET path=v1/health
2021-05-30 00:35:39.549  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-22] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : INCOMING_MESSAGE Incoming message method=GET path=v1/health
2021-05-30 00:35:39.556  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-22] com.att.eelf.audit                       : INCOMING_MESSAGE_RESPONSE Message response method=GET path=v1/health status=OK
2021-05-30 00:35:39.557  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-22] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : INCOMING_MESSAGE_RESPONSE Message response method=GET path=v1/health status=OK
2021-05-30 00:37:56.223  INFO 9 --- [nio-7997-exec-7] o.o.o.c.o.c.BasicAuthenticatorFilter     : user: pass:****
2021-05-30 00:37:56.254  INFO 9 --- [nio-7997-exec-7] com.att.eelf.audit                       : OUTGOING_MESSAGE Outgoing message method=GET path=/authz/perms/user/
2021-05-30 00:37:56.254  INFO 9 --- [nio-7997-exec-7] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : OUTGOING_MESSAGE Outgoing message method=GET path=/authz/perms/user/
2021-05-30 00:37:56.347  INFO 9 --- [nio-7997-exec-7] com.att.eelf.audit                       : OUTGOING_MESSAGE_RETURNED Outgoing message returned method=GET path=/authz/perms/user/ status=OK
2021-05-30 00:37:56.348  INFO 9 --- [nio-7997-exec-7] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : OUTGOING_MESSAGE_RETURNED Outgoing message returned method=GET path=/authz/perms/user/ status=OK
2021-05-30 00:37:56.421  INFO 9 --- [nio-7997-exec-7] com.att.eelf.audit                       : INCOMING_MESSAGE Incoming message method=GET path=v1/health
2021-05-30 00:37:56.421  INFO 9 --- [nio-7997-exec-7] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : INCOMING_MESSAGE Incoming message method=GET path=v1/health
2021-05-30 00:37:56.449  INFO 9 --- [nio-7997-exec-7] com.att.eelf.audit                       : INCOMING_MESSAGE_RESPONSE Message response method=GET path=v1/health status=OK
2021-05-30 00:37:56.449  INFO 9 --- [nio-7997-exec-7] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : INCOMING_MESSAGE_RESPONSE Message response method=GET path=v1/health status=OK
2021-05-30 00:42:14.172  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-15] com.att.eelf.audit                       : INCOMING_MESSAGE Incoming message method=GET path=v1/health
2021-05-30 00:42:14.172  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-15] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : INCOMING_MESSAGE Incoming message method=GET path=v1/health
2021-05-30 00:42:14.180  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-15] com.att.eelf.audit                       : INCOMING_MESSAGE_RESPONSE Message response method=GET path=v1/health status=OK
2021-05-30 00:42:14.181  INFO 9 --- [io-7997-exec-15] o.onap.optf.cmso.optimizer.Application   : INCOMING_MESSAGE_RESPONSE Message response method=GET path=v1/health status=OK