
By type

          2021/11/10 02:39:07.722022 beat.go:285: INFO Home path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Config path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Data path: [/usr/share/filebeat/data] Logs path: [/usr/share/filebeat/logs]
2021/11/10 02:39:07.722064 beat.go:186: INFO Setup Beat: filebeat; Version: 5.5.0
2021/11/10 02:39:07.722147 logstash.go:90: INFO Max Retries set to: 3
2021/11/10 02:39:07.722188 metrics.go:23: INFO Metrics logging every 30s
2021/11/10 02:39:07.722208 outputs.go:108: INFO Activated logstash as output plugin.
2021/11/10 02:39:07.722312 publish.go:295: INFO Publisher name: onap-modeling-etsicatalog-8667648498-zzxkr
2021/11/10 02:39:07.722496 async.go:63: INFO Flush Interval set to: 1s
2021/11/10 02:39:07.722517 async.go:64: INFO Max Bulk Size set to: 2048
2021/11/10 02:39:07.723076 beat.go:221: INFO filebeat start running.
2021/11/10 02:39:07.723260 registrar.go:68: INFO No registry file found under: /usr/share/filebeat/data/registry. Creating a new registry file.
2021/11/10 02:39:08.002865 registrar.go:106: INFO Loading registrar data from /usr/share/filebeat/data/registry
2021/11/10 02:39:08.002947 registrar.go:123: INFO States Loaded from registrar: 0
2021/11/10 02:39:08.003021 crawler.go:38: INFO Loading Prospectors: 1
2021/11/10 02:39:08.003048 registrar.go:236: INFO Starting Registrar
2021/11/10 02:39:08.003110 sync.go:41: INFO Start sending events to output
2021/11/10 02:39:08.003306 spooler.go:63: INFO Starting spooler: spool_size: 2048; idle_timeout: 5s
2021/11/10 02:39:08.003642 prospector_log.go:65: INFO Prospector with previous states loaded: 0
2021/11/10 02:39:08.003874 prospector.go:124: INFO Starting prospector of type: log; id: 12576369028753478767 
2021/11/10 02:39:08.003922 crawler.go:58: INFO Loading and starting Prospectors completed. Enabled prospectors: 1
2021/11/10 02:39:08.004501 log.go:91: INFO Harvester started for file: /var/log/onap/modeling/etsicatalog/runtime_catalog.log
2021/11/10 02:39:13.004081 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:39:13.004145 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:39:14.004511 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:39:14.004551 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:39:16.004968 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:39:16.005039 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:39:20.005443 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:39:20.005671 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:39:28.006102 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:39:28.006149 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:39:37.722734 metrics.go:39: INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: filebeat.harvester.open_files=1 filebeat.harvester.running=1 filebeat.harvester.started=1 libbeat.publisher.published_events=12 registrar.writes=1
2021/11/10 02:39:44.006494 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:39:44.006575 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:40:07.722447 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:40:16.006964 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:40:16.007016 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:40:37.722652 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:41:07.722617 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:41:16.007450 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:41:16.007496 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:41:37.722642 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:42:07.722585 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:42:16.007775 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:42:16.007816 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:42:37.722703 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:43:07.722601 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:43:16.008171 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:43:16.008219 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:43:37.722532 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:44:07.722695 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:44:13.017793 log.go:116: INFO File is inactive: /var/log/onap/modeling/etsicatalog/runtime_catalog.log. Closing because close_inactive of 5m0s reached.
2021/11/10 02:44:16.008482 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:44:16.008534 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:44:37.722526 metrics.go:39: INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: filebeat.harvester.closed=1 filebeat.harvester.open_files=-1 filebeat.harvester.running=-1
2021/11/10 02:45:07.722728 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:45:16.009048 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:45:16.009103 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:45:37.722624 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:46:07.722687 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:46:16.009618 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:46:16.009696 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:46:37.722676 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:47:07.722522 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:47:16.010087 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:47:16.010156 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:47:37.722518 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:48:07.722607 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:48:16.010439 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:48:16.010520 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:48:37.722635 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:49:07.722579 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:49:16.010976 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:49:16.011027 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:49:37.722687 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:50:07.722568 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:50:16.011460 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:50:16.011516 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:50:37.722659 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:51:07.722471 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:51:16.011907 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:51:16.011968 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:51:37.722662 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:52:07.722600 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:52:16.012395 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:52:16.012454 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:52:37.722453 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:53:07.722600 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:53:16.012886 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:53:16.012938 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:53:37.722572 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:54:07.722556 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:54:16.013215 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:54:16.013278 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:54:37.722510 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:55:07.722526 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:55:16.013638 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:55:16.013699 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:55:37.722500 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:56:07.722530 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:56:16.014147 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:56:16.014237 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:56:37.722564 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:57:07.722568 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:57:16.014559 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:57:16.014605 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:57:37.722480 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:58:07.722625 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:58:16.014877 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:58:16.014937 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:58:37.722772 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:59:07.722555 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 02:59:16.015451 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:59:16.015524 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 02:59:37.722652 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:00:07.722561 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:00:16.015780 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:00:16.015839 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:00:37.722656 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:01:07.722562 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:01:16.016269 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:01:16.016334 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:01:37.722538 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:02:07.722520 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:02:16.016706 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:02:16.016759 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:02:37.722516 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:03:07.722592 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:03:16.017138 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:03:16.017179 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:03:37.722663 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:04:07.722738 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:04:16.017448 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:04:16.017543 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:04:37.722745 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:05:07.722611 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:05:16.017990 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:05:16.018095 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:05:37.722547 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:06:07.722591 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:06:16.018535 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:06:16.018614 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:06:37.722662 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:07:07.722641 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:07:16.019019 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:07:16.019082 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:07:37.722608 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:08:07.722532 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:08:16.019457 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:08:16.019528 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:08:37.722658 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:09:07.722510 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:09:16.019926 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:09:16.019979 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:09:37.722558 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:10:07.722842 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:10:16.020266 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:10:16.020340 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:10:37.722585 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:11:07.722577 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:11:16.020683 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:11:16.020736 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:11:37.722579 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:12:07.722499 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:12:16.021060 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:12:16.021115 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:12:37.722568 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:13:07.722517 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:13:16.021402 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:13:16.021583 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:13:37.722633 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:14:07.722608 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:14:16.022080 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:14:16.022139 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:14:37.722498 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:15:07.722654 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:15:16.022478 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:15:16.022532 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:15:37.722512 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:16:07.722879 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:16:16.022842 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:16:16.022891 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:16:37.722559 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:17:07.722628 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:17:16.023382 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:17:16.023474 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:17:37.722602 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:18:07.722756 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:18:16.023779 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:18:16.023979 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:18:37.722485 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:19:07.722591 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:19:16.024397 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:19:16.024472 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:19:37.722444 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:20:07.722489 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:20:16.024713 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:20:16.024883 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:20:37.722562 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:21:07.722607 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:21:16.025339 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:21:16.025404 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:21:37.722524 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:22:07.722674 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:22:16.025829 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:22:16.025888 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:22:37.722503 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:23:07.722491 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:23:16.026233 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:23:16.026327 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:23:37.722737 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:24:07.722611 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:24:16.026741 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:24:16.026817 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:24:37.722473 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:25:07.722530 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:25:16.027163 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:25:16.027223 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:25:37.722476 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:26:07.722470 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:26:16.027480 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:26:16.027534 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:26:37.722576 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:27:07.722611 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:27:16.028034 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:27:16.028125 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:27:37.722562 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:28:07.722558 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:28:16.028510 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:28:16.028555 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:28:37.722666 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:29:07.722627 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:29:16.029070 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:29:16.029152 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:29:37.722659 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:30:07.722499 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:30:16.029600 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:30:16.029949 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:30:37.722667 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:31:07.722559 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:31:16.030439 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:31:16.030544 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:31:37.722619 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:32:07.722503 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:32:16.030805 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:32:16.030836 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:32:37.722516 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:33:07.722552 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:33:16.031204 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:33:16.031266 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:33:37.722546 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:34:07.722637 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:34:16.031741 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:34:16.031808 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:34:37.722575 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:35:07.722599 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:35:16.032278 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:35:16.032343 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:35:37.722504 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:36:07.722511 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:36:16.032743 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:36:16.032843 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:36:37.722523 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:37:07.722670 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:37:16.033163 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:37:16.033224 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:37:37.722628 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:38:07.722567 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:38:16.033504 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:38:16.033555 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:38:37.722495 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:39:07.722639 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:39:16.033839 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:39:16.033873 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:39:37.722525 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:40:07.722640 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:40:16.034336 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:40:16.034436 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:40:37.722586 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:41:07.722694 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:41:16.034771 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:41:16.034818 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:41:37.722707 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:42:07.722742 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:42:16.035095 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:42:16.035252 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:42:37.722576 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:43:07.722561 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:43:16.035809 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:43:16.035883 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:43:37.722598 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:44:07.722550 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:44:16.036180 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:44:16.036214 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:44:37.722580 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:45:07.722561 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:45:16.036469 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:45:16.036516 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:45:37.722541 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:46:07.722519 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:46:16.036916 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:46:16.036957 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:46:37.722602 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:47:07.722554 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:47:16.037345 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:47:16.037501 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:47:37.722567 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:48:07.722774 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:48:16.037889 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:48:16.037950 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:48:37.722618 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:49:07.722592 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:49:16.038183 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:49:16.038221 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:49:37.722496 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:50:07.722558 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:50:16.041102 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:50:16.041160 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:50:37.722588 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:51:07.722657 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:51:16.041529 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:51:16.041576 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:51:37.722576 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:52:07.722708 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:52:16.041965 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:52:16.042026 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:52:37.722635 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:53:07.722497 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:53:16.042353 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:53:16.042448 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:53:37.722560 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:54:07.722530 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:54:16.042805 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:54:16.042844 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:54:37.722597 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:55:07.722594 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:55:16.043218 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:55:16.043281 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:55:37.722576 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:56:07.722542 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:56:16.043685 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:56:16.043776 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:56:37.722551 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:57:07.722672 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:57:16.044200 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:57:16.044258 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:57:37.722729 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:58:07.722622 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:58:16.044705 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:58:16.044746 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:58:37.722492 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:59:07.722625 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 03:59:16.045099 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:59:16.045154 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 03:59:37.722623 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:00:07.722515 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:00:16.045582 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:00:16.045645 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:00:37.722502 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:01:07.722597 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:01:16.046011 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:01:16.046072 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:01:37.722604 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:02:07.722514 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:02:16.046470 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:02:16.046526 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:02:37.722622 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:03:07.722567 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:03:16.047000 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:03:16.047060 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:03:37.722569 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:04:07.722558 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:04:16.047426 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:04:16.047485 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:04:37.722668 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:05:07.722618 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:05:16.047879 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:05:16.047925 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:05:37.722610 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:06:07.722579 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:06:16.048303 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:06:16.048366 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:06:37.722563 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:07:07.722526 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:07:16.048742 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:07:16.048791 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:07:37.722575 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:08:07.722718 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:08:16.049244 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:08:16.049298 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:08:37.722641 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:09:07.722517 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:09:16.049542 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:09:16.049584 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:09:37.722553 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:10:07.722651 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:10:16.050026 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:10:16.050100 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:10:37.722594 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:11:07.722614 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:11:16.050444 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:11:16.050531 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:11:37.722560 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:12:07.722627 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:12:16.050834 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:12:16.050885 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:12:37.722517 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:13:07.722622 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:13:16.051238 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:13:16.051398 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:13:37.722668 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:14:07.722551 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:14:16.051836 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:14:16.051884 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:14:37.722659 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:15:07.722635 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:15:16.052174 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:15:16.052340 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:15:37.722461 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:16:07.722680 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:16:16.052731 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:16:16.052780 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:16:37.722500 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:17:07.722536 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:17:16.053184 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:17:16.053221 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:17:37.722660 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:18:07.722544 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:18:16.053468 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:18:16.053501 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:18:37.722653 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:19:07.722540 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:19:16.053819 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:19:16.053886 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:19:37.722596 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:20:07.722534 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:20:16.054340 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:20:16.054394 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:20:37.722584 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:21:07.722703 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:21:16.054776 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:21:16.054828 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:21:37.722587 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:22:07.722732 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:22:16.055076 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:22:16.055105 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:22:37.722633 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:23:07.722579 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:23:16.055416 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:23:16.055475 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:23:37.722701 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:24:07.722562 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:24:16.055853 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:24:16.055912 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:24:37.722453 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:25:07.722663 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:25:16.056382 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:25:16.056479 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:25:37.722698 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:26:07.722591 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:26:16.056876 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:26:16.056952 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:26:37.722656 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:27:07.722633 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:27:16.057307 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:27:16.057376 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:27:37.722552 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:28:07.722615 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:28:16.057724 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:28:16.057768 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:28:37.722620 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:29:07.722585 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:29:16.058137 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:29:16.058188 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:29:37.722809 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:30:07.722494 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:30:16.058490 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:30:16.058546 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:30:37.722575 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:31:07.722640 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:31:16.058880 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:31:16.058959 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:31:37.722795 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:32:07.722627 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:32:16.059275 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:32:16.059358 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:32:37.722461 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:33:07.722651 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:33:16.059799 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:33:16.059866 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:33:37.722678 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:34:07.722654 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:34:16.060368 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:34:16.060438 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:34:37.722597 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:35:07.722654 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:35:16.060750 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:35:16.060793 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:35:37.722639 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:36:07.722454 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:36:16.061196 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:36:16.061277 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:36:37.722565 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:37:07.722494 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:37:16.061665 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:37:16.061702 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:37:37.722473 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:38:07.722576 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:38:16.061977 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:38:16.062029 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:38:37.722485 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:39:07.722698 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:39:16.062389 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:39:16.062458 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:39:37.722538 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:40:07.722516 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:40:16.062879 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:40:16.062944 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:40:37.722684 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:41:07.722681 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:41:16.063369 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:41:16.063434 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:41:37.722788 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:42:07.722535 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:42:16.063817 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:42:16.063925 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:42:37.722648 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:43:07.722708 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:43:16.064276 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:43:16.064344 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:43:37.722485 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:44:07.722687 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:44:16.064847 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:44:16.064910 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:44:37.722547 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:45:07.722621 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:45:16.065195 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:45:16.065262 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:45:37.722604 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:46:07.722598 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:46:16.065693 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:46:16.065759 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:46:37.722533 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:47:07.722699 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:47:16.066076 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:47:16.066136 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:47:37.722558 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:48:07.722759 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:48:16.066416 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:48:16.066467 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:48:37.722504 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:49:07.722567 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:49:16.066925 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:49:16.066965 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:49:37.722637 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:50:07.722527 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:50:16.067400 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:50:16.067459 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:50:37.722567 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:51:07.722703 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:51:16.067856 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:51:16.067899 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:51:37.722477 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:52:07.722508 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:52:16.068280 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:52:16.068421 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:52:37.722519 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:53:07.722600 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:53:16.068830 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:53:16.068875 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:53:37.722573 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:54:07.722583 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:54:16.069125 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:54:16.069160 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:54:37.722528 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:55:07.722552 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:55:16.069433 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:55:16.069506 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:55:37.722574 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:56:07.722653 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:56:16.069792 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:56:16.069865 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:56:37.722579 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:57:07.722595 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:57:16.070213 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:57:16.070267 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:57:37.722663 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:58:07.722488 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:58:16.070593 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:58:16.070640 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:58:37.722479 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:59:07.722526 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 04:59:16.070883 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:59:16.071012 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 04:59:37.722541 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:00:07.722699 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:00:16.071345 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:00:16.071402 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:00:37.722517 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:01:07.722611 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:01:16.071681 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:01:16.071744 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:01:37.722658 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:02:07.722482 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:02:16.071982 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:02:16.072044 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:02:37.722615 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:03:07.722568 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:03:16.072285 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:03:16.072342 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:03:37.722536 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:04:07.722581 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:04:16.072697 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:04:16.072763 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:04:37.722576 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:05:07.722618 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:05:16.073095 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:05:16.073155 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:05:37.722571 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:06:07.722599 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:06:16.073424 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:06:16.073483 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:06:37.722593 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:07:07.722644 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:07:16.074073 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:07:16.074131 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:07:37.722621 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:08:07.722609 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:08:16.074491 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:08:16.074548 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:08:37.722448 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:09:07.722680 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:09:16.074867 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:09:16.074930 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:09:37.722583 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:10:07.722688 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:10:16.075235 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:10:16.075283 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:10:37.722680 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:11:07.722689 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:11:16.075582 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:11:16.075700 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:11:37.722620 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:12:07.722500 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:12:16.076017 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:12:16.076068 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:12:37.722496 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:13:07.722674 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:13:16.076464 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:13:16.076528 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:13:37.722743 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:14:07.722569 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:14:16.076898 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:14:16.076952 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:14:37.722566 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:15:07.722700 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:15:16.077297 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:15:16.077368 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:15:37.722662 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:16:07.722654 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:16:16.077728 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:16:16.077795 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:16:37.722602 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:17:07.722802 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:17:16.078190 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:17:16.078253 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:17:37.722583 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:18:07.722532 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:18:16.078711 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:18:16.078767 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:18:37.722593 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:19:07.722513 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:19:16.079071 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:19:16.079123 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:19:37.722612 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:20:07.722509 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:20:16.079434 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:20:16.079489 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:20:37.722623 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:21:07.722731 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:21:16.079824 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:21:16.079890 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:21:37.722559 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:22:07.722469 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:22:16.080164 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:22:16.080208 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:22:37.722522 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:23:07.722808 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:23:16.080467 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:23:16.080532 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:23:37.722661 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:24:07.722653 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:24:16.080876 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:24:16.080923 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:24:37.722623 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:25:07.722703 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:25:16.081307 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:25:16.081388 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:25:37.722589 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:26:07.722598 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:26:16.081718 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:26:16.081778 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:26:37.722702 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:27:07.722736 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:27:16.082042 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:27:16.082080 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:27:37.722486 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:28:07.722640 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:28:16.082450 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:28:16.082503 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:28:37.722548 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:29:07.722609 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:29:16.082892 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:29:16.082941 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:29:37.722568 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:30:07.722753 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:30:16.083269 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:30:16.083325 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:30:37.722458 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:31:07.722693 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:31:16.083693 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:31:16.083762 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:31:37.722640 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:32:07.722474 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:32:16.084050 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:32:16.084126 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:32:37.722638 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:33:07.722642 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:33:16.084441 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:33:16.084496 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:33:37.722633 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:34:07.722524 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:34:16.084911 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:34:16.084990 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:34:37.722563 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:35:07.722654 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:35:16.085328 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:35:16.085379 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:35:37.722647 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:36:07.722523 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:36:16.085673 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:36:16.085717 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:36:37.722608 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:37:07.722678 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:37:16.086055 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:37:16.086110 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:37:37.722563 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:38:07.722533 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:38:16.086470 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:38:16.086527 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:38:37.722595 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:39:07.722645 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:39:16.086974 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:39:16.087051 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:39:37.722540 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:40:07.722507 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:40:16.087386 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:40:16.087499 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:40:37.722586 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:41:07.722619 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:41:16.087780 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:41:16.087827 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:41:37.722560 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:42:07.722524 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:42:16.088140 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:42:16.088194 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:42:37.722595 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:43:07.722624 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:43:16.088532 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:43:16.088609 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:43:37.722516 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:44:07.722615 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:44:16.089067 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:44:16.089124 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:44:37.722586 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:45:07.722603 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:45:16.089415 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:45:16.089454 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:45:37.722791 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:46:07.722598 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:46:16.089775 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:46:16.089864 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:46:37.722546 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:47:07.722512 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:47:16.090215 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:47:16.090327 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:47:37.722705 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:48:07.722694 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:48:16.090675 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:48:16.090779 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:48:37.722696 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:49:07.722680 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:49:16.091136 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:49:16.091192 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:49:37.722536 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:50:07.722742 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:50:16.091593 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:50:16.091669 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:50:37.722636 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:51:07.722660 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:51:16.092061 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:51:16.092112 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:51:37.722508 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:52:07.722691 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:52:16.092395 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:52:16.092556 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:52:37.722542 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:53:07.722614 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:53:16.093023 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:53:16.093092 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:53:37.722610 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:54:07.722606 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:54:16.093448 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:54:16.093508 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:54:37.722535 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:55:07.722617 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:55:16.093807 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:55:16.093855 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:55:37.722516 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:56:07.722530 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:56:16.094247 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:56:16.094327 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:56:37.722661 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:57:07.722612 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:57:16.094637 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:57:16.094687 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:57:37.722603 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:58:07.722547 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:58:16.095064 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:58:16.095129 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:58:37.722526 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:59:07.722459 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 05:59:16.095545 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:59:16.095604 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 05:59:37.722424 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:00:07.722663 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:00:16.095939 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:00:16.095990 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:00:37.722595 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:01:07.722577 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:01:16.096345 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:01:16.096447 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:01:37.722672 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:02:07.722667 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:02:16.096800 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:02:16.096953 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:02:37.722579 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:03:07.722682 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:03:16.097345 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:03:16.097408 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:03:37.722708 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:04:07.722719 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:04:16.097757 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:04:16.097832 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:04:37.722747 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:05:07.722520 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:05:16.098301 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:05:16.098386 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:05:37.722755 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:06:07.722640 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:06:16.098742 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:06:16.098796 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:06:37.722759 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:07:07.722607 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:07:16.099118 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:07:16.099263 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:07:37.722602 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:08:07.722734 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:08:16.099568 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:08:16.099626 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:08:37.722538 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:09:07.722515 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:09:16.100022 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:09:16.100064 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:09:37.722480 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:10:07.722629 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:10:16.100396 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:10:16.100443 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:10:37.722519 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:11:07.722548 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:11:16.100896 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:11:16.100970 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:11:37.722600 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:12:07.722526 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:12:16.101340 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:12:16.101421 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:12:37.722626 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:13:07.722633 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:13:16.101759 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:13:16.101818 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:13:37.722703 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:14:07.722625 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:14:16.102215 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:14:16.102277 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:14:37.722624 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:15:07.722520 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:15:16.102636 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:15:16.102695 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:15:37.722598 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:16:07.722625 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:16:16.103044 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:16:16.103104 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:16:37.722499 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:17:07.722500 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:17:16.103409 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:17:16.103503 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:17:37.722547 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:18:07.722592 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:18:16.103798 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:18:16.103841 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:18:37.722698 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:19:07.722631 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:19:16.104110 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:19:16.104169 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:19:37.722580 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:20:07.722598 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:20:16.104407 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:20:16.104459 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:20:37.722540 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:21:07.722765 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:21:16.104890 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:21:16.104965 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:21:37.722614 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:22:07.722556 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:22:16.105303 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:22:16.105360 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:22:37.722706 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:23:07.722560 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:23:16.105717 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:23:16.105755 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:23:37.722614 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:23:58.968670 log.go:91: INFO Harvester started for file: /var/log/onap/modeling/etsicatalog/runtime_catalog.log
2021/11/10 06:24:07.722630 metrics.go:39: INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: filebeat.harvester.open_files=1 filebeat.harvester.running=1 filebeat.harvester.started=1
2021/11/10 06:24:16.106287 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:24:16.106338 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:24:37.722650 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:25:07.722730 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:25:16.106702 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:25:16.106765 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:25:37.722565 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:26:07.722660 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:26:16.107147 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:26:16.107192 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:26:37.722656 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:27:07.722775 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:27:16.107672 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:27:16.107893 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:27:37.722483 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:28:07.722434 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:28:16.108398 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:28:16.108635 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:28:37.722523 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:29:07.722703 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:29:16.109099 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:29:16.109179 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:29:37.722505 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:30:07.722552 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:30:16.109508 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:30:16.109574 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:30:37.722553 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:31:07.722771 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:31:16.109975 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:31:16.110032 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:31:37.722671 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:32:07.722638 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:32:16.110428 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:32:16.110483 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:32:37.722527 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:33:07.722628 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:33:16.110849 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:33:16.110894 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:33:37.722733 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:33:48.999645 log.go:116: INFO File is inactive: /var/log/onap/modeling/etsicatalog/runtime_catalog.log. Closing because close_inactive of 5m0s reached.
2021/11/10 06:34:07.722632 metrics.go:39: INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: filebeat.harvester.closed=1 filebeat.harvester.open_files=-1 filebeat.harvester.running=-1
2021/11/10 06:34:16.111252 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:34:16.111330 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:34:37.722539 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:35:07.722716 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:35:16.111803 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:35:16.111843 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:35:37.722591 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:36:07.722546 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:36:16.112078 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:36:16.112121 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:36:37.722569 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:37:07.722650 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:37:16.112490 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:37:16.112529 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:37:37.722687 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:38:07.722582 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:38:16.112878 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:38:16.112957 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:38:37.722504 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:39:07.722594 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:39:16.113359 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:39:16.113420 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:39:37.722540 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:40:07.722551 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:40:16.113679 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:40:16.113735 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:40:37.722522 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:41:07.722743 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:41:16.114100 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:41:16.114157 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:41:37.722594 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:42:07.722479 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:42:16.114498 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:42:16.114568 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:42:37.722591 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:43:07.722677 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:43:16.114890 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:43:16.114929 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:43:37.722558 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:44:07.722645 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:44:16.115300 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:44:16.115376 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:44:37.722607 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:45:07.722647 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:45:16.115821 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:45:16.115885 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:45:37.722592 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:46:07.722557 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:46:16.116183 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:46:16.116248 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:46:37.722565 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:47:07.722838 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:47:16.116593 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:47:16.116647 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:47:37.722598 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:48:07.722474 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:48:16.117071 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:48:16.117144 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:48:37.722666 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:49:07.722687 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:49:16.117429 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:49:16.117486 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:49:37.722549 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:50:07.722711 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:50:16.117873 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:50:16.117934 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:50:37.722549 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:51:07.722631 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:51:16.118171 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:51:16.118217 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:51:37.722499 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:52:07.722513 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:52:16.118489 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:52:16.118579 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:52:37.722512 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:53:07.722616 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:53:16.118973 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:53:16.119047 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:53:37.722694 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:54:07.722705 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:54:16.119414 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:54:16.119481 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:54:37.722603 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:55:07.722463 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:55:16.119971 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:55:16.120024 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:55:37.722625 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:56:07.722572 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:56:16.120406 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:56:16.120462 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:56:37.722672 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:57:07.722630 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:57:16.120882 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:57:16.120939 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:57:37.722686 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:58:07.722607 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:58:16.121283 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:58:16.121338 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:58:37.722583 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:59:07.722829 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 06:59:16.121716 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:59:16.121765 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 06:59:37.722651 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 07:00:07.722533 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 07:00:16.122122 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 07:00:16.122179 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 07:00:37.722582 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 07:01:07.722633 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 07:01:16.122585 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 07:01:16.122638 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 07:01:37.722688 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 07:02:07.722743 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 07:02:16.123063 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 07:02:16.123121 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 07:02:37.722772 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 07:03:07.722621 metrics.go:34: INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2021/11/10 07:03:16.123557 tcp.go:26: WARN DNS lookup failure "": lookup : no such host
2021/11/10 07:03:16.123611 single.go:140: ERR Connecting error publishing events (retrying): lookup : no such host