
By type

          + CONSUL_BIND=
+ [ -n  ]
+ [ -n  ]
+ CONSUL_DATA_DIR=/consul/data
+ CONSUL_CONFIG_DIR=/consul/config
+ [ -n  ]
+ echo agent
+ grep ^-
+ [ agent = agent ]
+ shift
+ set -- consul agent -data-dir=/consul/data -config-dir=/consul/config -dev -client
+ [ consul = consul ]
+ stat -c %u /consul/data
+ id -u consul
+ [ 100 != 100 ]
+ stat -c %u /consul/config
+ id -u consul
+ [ 100 != 100 ]
+ [ ! -z ]
+ exec consul agent -data-dir=/consul/data -config-dir=/consul/config -dev -client
==> Starting Consul agent...
==> Consul agent running!
           Version: 'v1.4.3'
           Node ID: 'e0f8b90e-1948-21db-897a-e79168b751e6'
         Node name: 'onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw'
        Datacenter: 'dc1' (Segment: '')
            Server: true (Bootstrap: false)
       Client Addr: [] (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: -1, gRPC: 8502, DNS: 8600)
      Cluster Addr: (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
           Encrypt: Gossip: false, TLS-Outgoing: false, TLS-Incoming: false

==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:

    2022/04/20 09:44:40 [DEBUG] agent: Using random ID "e0f8b90e-1948-21db-897a-e79168b751e6" as node ID
    2022/04/20 09:44:40 [INFO] raft: Initial configuration (index=1): [{Suffrage:Voter ID:e0f8b90e-1948-21db-897a-e79168b751e6 Address:}]
    2022/04/20 09:44:40 [INFO] raft: Node at [Follower] entering Follower state (Leader: "")
    2022/04/20 09:44:40 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw.dc1
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [WARN] raft: Heartbeat timeout from "" reached, starting election
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] raft: Node at [Candidate] entering Candidate state in term 2
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [WARN] raft: Unable to get address for server id e0f8b90e-1948-21db-897a-e79168b751e6, using fallback address Could not find address for server id e0f8b90e-1948-21db-897a-e79168b751e6
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [DEBUG] raft: Votes needed: 1
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [DEBUG] raft: Vote granted from e0f8b90e-1948-21db-897a-e79168b751e6 in term 2. Tally: 1
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] raft: Election won. Tally: 1
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] raft: Node at [Leader] entering Leader state
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] consul: Adding LAN server onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] consul: Handled member-join event for server "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw.dc1" in area "wan"
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] consul: cluster leadership acquired
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [DEBUG] agent/proxy: managed Connect proxy manager started
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] agent: Started DNS server (udp)
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] agent: Started DNS server (tcp)
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] consul: New leader elected: onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] agent: Started HTTP server on [::]:8500 (tcp)
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] agent: started state syncer
    2022/04/20 09:44:41 [INFO] agent: Started gRPC server on [::]:8502 (tcp)
    2022/04/20 09:44:42 [INFO] agent: Synced node info
    2022/04/20 09:44:42 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:44:42 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:44:43 [INFO] connect: initialized primary datacenter CA with provider "consul"
    2022/04/20 09:44:43 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:44:43 [INFO] consul: member 'onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw' joined, marking health alive
    2022/04/20 09:44:43 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
==> Failed to check for updates: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
    2022/04/20 09:45:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:46:11 [DEBUG] agent: Skipping remote check "serfHealth" since it is managed automatically
    2022/04/20 09:46:11 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:46:41 [DEBUG] manager: Rebalanced 1 servers, next active server is onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw.dc1 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
    2022/04/20 09:46:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:47:22 [DEBUG] agent: Skipping remote check "serfHealth" since it is managed automatically
    2022/04/20 09:47:22 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:47:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:48:29 [DEBUG] agent: Skipping remote check "serfHealth" since it is managed automatically
    2022/04/20 09:48:29 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:48:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:48:54 [DEBUG] manager: Rebalanced 1 servers, next active server is onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw.dc1 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
    2022/04/20 09:49:38 [DEBUG] agent: Skipping remote check "serfHealth" since it is managed automatically
    2022/04/20 09:49:38 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:49:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:50:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:50:54 [DEBUG] agent: Skipping remote check "serfHealth" since it is managed automatically
    2022/04/20 09:50:54 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:51:24 [DEBUG] manager: Rebalanced 1 servers, next active server is onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw.dc1 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
    2022/04/20 09:51:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:52:09 [DEBUG] agent: Skipping remote check "serfHealth" since it is managed automatically
    2022/04/20 09:52:09 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:52:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:53:26 [DEBUG] agent: Skipping remote check "serfHealth" since it is managed automatically
    2022/04/20 09:53:26 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:53:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:53:54 [DEBUG] manager: Rebalanced 1 servers, next active server is onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw.dc1 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
    2022/04/20 09:54:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:54:42 [DEBUG] agent: Skipping remote check "serfHealth" since it is managed automatically
    2022/04/20 09:54:42 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:55:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:55:43 [DEBUG] agent: Skipping remote check "serfHealth" since it is managed automatically
    2022/04/20 09:55:43 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:56:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:56:52 [DEBUG] manager: Rebalanced 1 servers, next active server is onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw.dc1 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
    2022/04/20 09:57:03 [DEBUG] agent: Skipping remote check "serfHealth" since it is managed automatically
    2022/04/20 09:57:03 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:57:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:58:16 [DEBUG] agent: Skipping remote check "serfHealth" since it is managed automatically
    2022/04/20 09:58:16 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:58:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 09:59:34 [DEBUG] agent: Skipping remote check "serfHealth" since it is managed automatically
    2022/04/20 09:59:34 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 09:59:37 [DEBUG] manager: Rebalanced 1 servers, next active server is onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw.dc1 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
    2022/04/20 09:59:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 10:00:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 10:00:46 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/status/leader (1.166244ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"false\",\"url\":\"/api/parser/v1\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806"
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (351.56325ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/parser-v1 (1.729825ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"false\",\"url\":\"/api/catalog/v1\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806"
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (345.245682ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:48 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/catalog-v1 (1.372754ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"false\",\"url\":\"/api/nsd/v1\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:49 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806"
    2022/04/20 10:00:49 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:49 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (500.695154ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:49 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/nsd-v1 (538.489µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"false\",\"url\":\"/api/vnfpkgm/v1\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806"
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (200.648173ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:50 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/vnfpkgm-v1 (610.278µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"false\",\"url\":\"/\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904"
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (338.694781ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/message-router-v1 (454.683µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v0\",\"enable_ssl\":\"false\",\"url\":\"/api/multicloud-pike/v0\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007"
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (534.472106ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/multicloud-pike-v0 (403.523µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"false\",\"url\":\"/api/multicloud-pike/v1\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007"
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (106.792696ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:52 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/multicloud-pike-v1 (82.17602ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/sdc/v1\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443"
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (263.205407ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/sdc-v1 (693.354µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"false\",\"url\":\"/sdc/v1\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:53 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080"
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (623.860175ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/sdc-deprecated-v1 (470.124µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"UI\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"false\",\"url\":\"/\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"0|1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443"
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (782.682889ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/wf-gui-v1 (491.764µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"false\",\"url\":\"/\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:55 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015"
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (916.713532ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:56 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/multicloud-k8s-v1 (1.064586ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v0\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/api/multicloud-fcaps/v0\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011"
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (831.369145ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:57 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/multicloud-fcaps-v0 (847.568µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/api/multicloud-fcaps/v1\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011"
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (400.305886ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/multicloud-fcaps-v1 (548.93µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"UI\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"false\",\"url\":\"/sdc1\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:58 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"0|1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181"
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (800.50709ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/sdc-gui-v1 (339.09µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v0\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/api/multicloud/v0\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001"
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (222.907915ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:00:59 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/multicloud-v0 (66.427477ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v1\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/api/multicloud/v1\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001"
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (500.119677ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/multicloud-v1 (728.821µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-generic-query-v11" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v11/search/generic-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v11\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v11/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:00 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (515.575281ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-generic-query-v11 (520.018µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v11\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v11/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:01 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (700.546746ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-generic-query-v11 (429.056µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-generic-query-v12" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v12/search/generic-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v12\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v12/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (401.470477ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:02 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-generic-query-v12 (370.286µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v12\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v12/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (269.322864ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-generic-query-v12 (1.313107ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-generic-query-v13" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v13/search/generic-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v13\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v13/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:03 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (1.000433619s) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-generic-query-v13 (462.447µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v13\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v13/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:04 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (460.247568ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-generic-query-v13 (410.082µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-generic-query-v14" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v14/search/generic-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v14\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v14/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (429.986536ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:05 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-generic-query-v14 (100.159285ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v14\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v14/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (431.906849ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-generic-query-v14 (772.749µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-generic-query-v15" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v15/search/generic-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v15\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v15/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (700.788149ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-generic-query-v15 (365.145µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v15\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v15/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:07 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (1.100451239s) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:08 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-generic-query-v15 (90.363829ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:09 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-generic-query-v16" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:09 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v16/search/generic-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v16\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v16/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:09 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:09 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (1.800015825s) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-generic-query-v16 (296.424µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v16\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v16/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:10 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:11 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (101.058917ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-generic-query-v16 (1.189843166s) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-generic-query-v17" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v17/search/generic-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v17\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v17/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (180.861985ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:12 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-generic-query-v17 (200.445201ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v17\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v17/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (564.161028ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-generic-query-v17 (502.55µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-generic-query-v18" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v18/search/generic-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v18\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v18/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:13 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (607.032764ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-generic-query-v18 (421.702µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v18\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v18/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (414.828496ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-generic-query-v18 (420.298µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-generic-query-v19" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v19/search/generic-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v19\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v19/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:14 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (199.792507ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-generic-query-v19 (200.051098ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v19\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v19/search/generic-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (380.170117ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-generic-query-v19 (752.942µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nodes-query-v11" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v11/search/nodes-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v11\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v11/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (575.973617ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nodes-query-v11 (500.101µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v11\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v11/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:16 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (943.367933ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nodes-query-v11 (305.353µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nodes-query-v12" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v12/search/nodes-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v12\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v12/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:17 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (631.810168ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:18 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:19 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nodes-query-v12 (999.799949ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:19 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v12\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v12/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:19 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:19 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (760.061875ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nodes-query-v12 (510.894µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nodes-query-v13" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v13/search/nodes-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v13\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v13/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:20 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (564.82163ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nodes-query-v13 (199.443765ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v13\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v13/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (1.064907952s) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:22 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nodes-query-v13 (547.631µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nodes-query-v14" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v14/search/nodes-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v14\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v14/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (600.416097ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nodes-query-v14 (506.694µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v14\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v14/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:23 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (777.44432ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nodes-query-v14 (329.401µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nodes-query-v15" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v15/search/nodes-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v15\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v15/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:24 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (1.000967369s) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nodes-query-v15 (101.087952ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:25 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v15\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v15/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (600.595194ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:26 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:27 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nodes-query-v15 (99.661842ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:27 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nodes-query-v16" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:27 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v16/search/nodes-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v16\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v16/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:27 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:27 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (6.251513612s) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nodes-query-v16 (398.164µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v16\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v16/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:33 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (425.33717ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nodes-query-v16 (199.703373ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nodes-query-v17" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v17/search/nodes-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v17\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v17/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:34 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (527.75093ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nodes-query-v17 (479.997µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v17\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v17/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:35 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (447.492758ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nodes-query-v17 (327.842µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nodes-query-v18" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v18/search/nodes-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v18\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v18/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (124.806282ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nodes-query-v18 (451.742µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v18\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v18/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (199.785195ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nodes-query-v18 (611.191µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:36 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nodes-query-v19" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v19/search/nodes-query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v19\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v19/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (501.55992ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:37 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:38 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nodes-query-v19 (300.216012ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:38 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v19\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v19/search/nodes-query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:38 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:38 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (321.671008ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nodes-query-v19 (426.466µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nquery-v11" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v11/query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v11\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v11/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (400.685401ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nquery-v11 (523.7µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v11\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v11/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (104.089218ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:39 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nquery-v11 (554.359µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:40 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nquery-v12" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:40 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v12/query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v12\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v12/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:40 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:40 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (904.756115ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nquery-v12 (99.839673ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v12\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v12/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] consul: Skipping self join check for "onap-msb-consul-59f55f8877-p2wcw" since the cluster is too small
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (104.713903ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:41 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nquery-v12 (500.286µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nquery-v13" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v13/query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v13\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v13/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (399.937241ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nquery-v13 (897.315µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:42 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v13\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v13/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (723.284273ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:43 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nquery-v13 (601.187µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:44 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nquery-v14" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:44 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v14/query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v14\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v14/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:44 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:44 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (1.104201083s) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nquery-v14 (576.665µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v14\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v14/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (642.653444ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:45 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nquery-v14 (484.789µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nquery-v15" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v15/query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v15\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v15/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (320.785516ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nquery-v15 (100.358201ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v15\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v15/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v15_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (999.975843ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:47 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nquery-v15 (99.859647ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nquery-v16" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v16/query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v16\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v16/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v16__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (600.141984ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:48 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nquery-v16 (479.463µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v16\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v16/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v16_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (272.735654ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nquery-v16 (498.512µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nquery-v17" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v17/query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v17\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v17/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v17__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (209.100279ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/_aai-nquery-v17 (416.317µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v17\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v17/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v17_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (335.627171ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/health/service/aai-nquery-v17 (404.835µs) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [WARN] agent: Service name "_aai-nquery-v18" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"base\":{\"path\":\"/aai/v18/query\",\"protocol\":\"REST\",\"is_manual\":\"false\",\"version\":\"v18\",\"enable_ssl\":\"true\",\"url\":\"/aai/v18/query\",\"status\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"lb\":{\"lb_policy\":\"ip_hash\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service tag "\"labels\":{\"visualRange\":\"1\"}" will not be discoverable via DNS due to invalid characters. Valid characters include all alpha-numerics and dashes.
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [INFO] agent: Synced service "_v18__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446"
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_vnfpkgm_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-k8s_10.233.25.249_9015" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_parser_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc_10.233.0.36_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-gui_10.233.29.198_8181" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:50 [DEBUG] http: Request PUT /v1/agent/service/register (601.642368ms) from=
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_sdc-deprecated_10.233.0.36_8080" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-fcaps_10.233.47.138_9011" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_message-router_10.233.39.84_3904" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v13__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_wf-gui_10.233.31.44_8443" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_nsd_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v11__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v0_multicloud_10.233.60.3_9001" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v12__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v19_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_multicloud-pike_10.233.59.148_9007" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v15__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v14__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v1_catalog_10.233.62.17_8806" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v17_aai-generic-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v16__aai-nquery_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync
    2022/04/20 10:01:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service "_v18__aai-nodes-query_10.233.67.58_8446" in sync