
By type

          waiting 10s for istio side cars to be up
2023-03-25 02:48:33,344 - INFO - Checking if holmes-postgres-init-update-config is complete
2023-03-25 02:48:33,946 - INFO - Container Details  {'container_id': 'docker://0e668dd71cd71bf8ccb37fc654d627fbec48feff7d5bce8c5020701820f93f13',
 'image': '',
 'image_id': 'docker-pullable://',
 'last_state': {'running': None, 'terminated': None, 'waiting': None},
 'name': 'holmes-postgres-init-update-config',
 'ready': True,
 'restart_count': 0,
 'state': {'running': {'started_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 25, 2, 48, 11, tzinfo=tzlocal())},
           'terminated': None,
           'waiting': None}} 
2023-03-25 02:48:33,946 - INFO - Container Status  None 
2023-03-25 02:48:41,956 - INFO - Checking if holmes-postgres-init-update-config is complete
2023-03-25 02:48:42,452 - INFO - Container Details  {'container_id': 'docker://0e668dd71cd71bf8ccb37fc654d627fbec48feff7d5bce8c5020701820f93f13',
 'image': '',
 'image_id': 'docker-pullable://',
 'last_state': {'running': None, 'terminated': None, 'waiting': None},
 'name': 'holmes-postgres-init-update-config',
 'ready': False,
 'restart_count': 0,
 'state': {'running': None,
           'terminated': {'container_id': 'docker://0e668dd71cd71bf8ccb37fc654d627fbec48feff7d5bce8c5020701820f93f13',
                          'exit_code': 0,
                          'finished_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 25, 2, 48, 32, tzinfo=tzlocal()),
                          'message': None,
                          'reason': 'Completed',
                          'signal': None,
                          'started_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 25, 2, 48, 11, tzinfo=tzlocal())},
           'waiting': None}} 
2023-03-25 02:48:42,453 - INFO - Container Status  {'container_id': 'docker://0e668dd71cd71bf8ccb37fc654d627fbec48feff7d5bce8c5020701820f93f13',
 'exit_code': 0,
 'finished_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 25, 2, 48, 32, tzinfo=tzlocal()),
 'message': None,
 'reason': 'Completed',
 'signal': None,
 'started_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 25, 2, 48, 11, tzinfo=tzlocal())} 
2023-03-25 02:48:42,453 - INFO - Container Terminated with reason  Completed 
2023-03-25 02:48:42,481 - INFO - quitquitquit returned True
2023-03-25 02:48:42,482 - INFO - Side Car Killed through QuitQuitQuit API