2021-11-05 18:18:31.685 WARN 1 --- [ main] o.s.b.l.logback.LogbackLoggingSystem : Ignoring 'logback.configurationFile' system property. Please use 'logging.config' instead. . ____ _ __ _ _ /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \ \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) ) ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / / =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/ :: Spring Boot :: (v2.1.12.RELEASE) WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.Java7$1 (jar:file:/opt/app/aai-schema-service/lib/aai-schema-service-1.9.2.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/groovy-2.5.8-indy.jar!/) to constructor java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup(java.lang.Class,int) WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.Java7$1 WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release 18:18:36,261 |-INFO in LogbackRequestLog - Will use configuration resource [/localhost-access-logback.xml] 18:18:36,267 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.access.joran.action.ConfigurationAction - debug attribute not set 18:18:36,267 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender] 18:18:36,267 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [ACCESS] 18:18:36,268 |-INFO in c.q.l.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy@318794136 - No compression will be used 18:18:36,268 |-INFO in c.q.l.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy@318794136 - Will use the pattern /opt/app/aai-schema-service/logs/ajsc-jetty/localhost_access.log.%d{yyyy-MM-dd} for the active file 18:18:36,268 |-INFO in c.q.l.core.rolling.DefaultTimeBasedFileNamingAndTriggeringPolicy - The date pattern is 'yyyy-MM-dd' from file name pattern '/opt/app/aai-schema-service/logs/ajsc-jetty/localhost_access.log.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}'. 18:18:36,268 |-INFO in c.q.l.core.rolling.DefaultTimeBasedFileNamingAndTriggeringPolicy - Roll-over at midnight. 18:18:36,269 |-INFO in c.q.l.core.rolling.DefaultTimeBasedFileNamingAndTriggeringPolicy - Setting initial period to Fri Nov 05 18:18:36 GMT 2021 18:18:36,282 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[ACCESS] - Active log file name: /opt/app/aai-schema-service/logs/ajsc-jetty/localhost_access.log 18:18:36,282 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[ACCESS] - File property is set to [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/logs/ajsc-jetty/localhost_access.log] 18:18:36,283 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [ACCESS] to null 18:18:36,283 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.access.joran.action.ConfigurationAction - End of configuration. 18:18:36,283 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.access.joran.JoranConfigurator@37fbe4a8 - Registering current configuration as safe fallback point 2021-11-05 18:18:36.474 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] org.reflections.Reflections : going to scan these urls: jar:file:/opt/app/aai-schema-service/lib/aai-schema-service-1.9.2.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/aai-els-onap-logging-1.7.0.jar!/ 2021-11-05 18:18:36.560 INFO 1 --- [ main] org.reflections.Reflections : Reflections took 85 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 6 keys and 6 values 2021-11-05 18:18:36.561 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] org.reflections.Reflections : going to scan these urls: jar:file:/opt/app/aai-schema-service/lib/aai-schema-service-1.9.2.jar!/BOOT-INF/classes!/ 2021-11-05 18:18:36.568 INFO 1 --- [ main] org.reflections.Reflections : Reflections took 6 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 6 keys and 30 values 2021-11-05 18:18:36.600 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] org.reflections.Reflections : going to scan these urls: jar:file:/opt/app/aai-schema-service/lib/aai-schema-service-1.9.2.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/aai-els-onap-logging-1.7.0.jar!/ 2021-11-05 18:18:36.604 INFO 1 --- [ main] org.reflections.Reflections : Reflections took 3 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 6 keys and 6 values 2021-11-05 18:18:36.604 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] org.reflections.Reflections : going to scan these urls: jar:file:/opt/app/aai-schema-service/lib/aai-schema-service-1.9.2.jar!/BOOT-INF/classes!/ 2021-11-05 18:18:36.608 INFO 1 --- [ main] org.reflections.Reflections : Reflections took 4 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 6 keys and 30 values 2021-11-05 18:18:36.612 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] org.reflections.Reflections : going to scan these urls: jar:file:/opt/app/aai-schema-service/lib/aai-schema-service-1.9.2.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/aai-els-onap-logging-1.7.0.jar!/ 2021-11-05 18:18:36.615 INFO 1 --- [ main] org.reflections.Reflections : Reflections took 3 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 6 keys and 6 values 2021-11-05 18:18:36.616 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] org.reflections.Reflections : going to scan these urls: jar:file:/opt/app/aai-schema-service/lib/aai-schema-service-1.9.2.jar!/BOOT-INF/classes!/ 2021-11-05 18:18:36.622 INFO 1 --- [ main] org.reflections.Reflections : Reflections took 5 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 6 keys and 30 values 2021-11-05 18:18:36.977 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.SchemaServiceApp : SchemaService initialization started... 2021-11-05 18:18:37.136 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v11 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v11 2021-11-05 18:18:37.170 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v12 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v12 2021-11-05 18:18:37.188 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v13 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v13 2021-11-05 18:18:37.197 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v14 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v14 2021-11-05 18:18:37.204 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v15 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v15 2021-11-05 18:18:37.209 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v16 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v16 2021-11-05 18:18:37.214 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v17 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v17 2021-11-05 18:18:37.219 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v18 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v18 2021-11-05 18:18:37.224 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v19 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v19 2021-11-05 18:18:37.228 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v20 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v20 2021-11-05 18:18:37.233 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v21 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v21 2021-11-05 18:18:37.242 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v22 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v22 2021-11-05 18:18:37.249 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v23 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v23 2021-11-05 18:18:37.256 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.edges.EdgeService : For the version v24 looking for edge rules in folder /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/dbedgerules//v24 2021-11-05 18:18:37.329 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.schemaservice.query.QueryService : Loading the following stored queries file /opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/query//stored-queries.json [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:38.741--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:40.089 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v11/aai_oxm_v11.xml] for version v11 2021-11-05 18:18:40.199 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v11 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:40.499--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:41.490 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v12/aai_oxm_v12.xml] for version v12 2021-11-05 18:18:41.583 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v12 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:41.871--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:42.830 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v13/aai_oxm_v13.xml] for version v13 2021-11-05 18:18:42.891 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v13 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:43.178--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:44.123 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v14/aai_oxm_v14.xml] for version v14 2021-11-05 18:18:44.158 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v14 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:44.518--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:45.603 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v15/aai_oxm_v15.xml] for version v15 2021-11-05 18:18:45.655 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v15 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:45.907--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:46.801 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v16/aai_oxm_v16.xml] for version v16 2021-11-05 18:18:46.831 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v16 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:47.119--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:48.012 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v17/aai_oxm_v17.xml] for version v17 2021-11-05 18:18:48.030 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v17 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:48.311--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:49.250 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v18/aai_oxm_v18.xml] for version v18 2021-11-05 18:18:49.270 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v18 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:49.583--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:50.577 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v19/aai_oxm_v19.xml] for version v19 2021-11-05 18:18:50.601 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v19 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:50.88--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:51.946 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v20/aai_oxm_v20.xml] for version v20 2021-11-05 18:18:51.993 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v20 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:52.327--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:53.609 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v21/aai_oxm_v21.xml] for version v21 2021-11-05 18:18:53.640 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v21 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:54.112--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:55.491 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v22/aai_oxm_v22.xml] for version v22 2021-11-05 18:18:55.535 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v22 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:55.924--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:57.150 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v23/aai_oxm_v23.xml] for version v23 2021-11-05 18:18:57.181 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v23 [EL Warning]: moxy: 2021-11-05 18:18:57.546--MOXy BV: Facets generation could not be configured. EclipseLink's JavaModelInputImpl was not detected, instead JavaModelInput is of class: class org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.oxm.OXMJavaModelInputImpl 2021-11-05 18:18:58.890 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Started combining the schema from list of files [/opt/app/aai-schema-service/resources//schema/onap/oxm//v24/aai_oxm_v24.xml] for version v24 2021-11-05 18:18:58.947 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.s.nodeschema.NodeIngestor : Successfully merged all schema files for version v24 2021-11-05 18:19:00.613 WARN 1 --- [ main] .b.a.g.t.GroovyTemplateAutoConfiguration : Cannot find template location: classpath:/templates/ (please add some templates, check your Groovy configuration, or set spring.groovy.template.check-template-location=false) 2021-11-05 18:19:02.406 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.a.schemaservice.config.ErrorHandler : Filter 'errorHandler' configured for use 2021-11-05 18:19:02.705 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.SchemaServiceApp : Application 'aai-schema-service' is running on 8452! 2021-11-05 18:19:02.705 DEBUG 1 --- [ main] o.o.aai.schemaservice.SchemaServiceApp : SchemaService MicroService Started SchemaService Microservice Started 2021-11-05 18:29:41.597 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:29:41.698 DEBUG 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] org.onap.aai.util.AAIConfig : Reloading config from /opt/app/aai-schema-service/./resources/etc/appprops/aaiconfig.properties 2021-11-05 18:29:41.698 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] org.onap.aai.util.AAIConfig : Found the aaiconfig.properties in the following location: /opt/app/aai-schema-service/./resources/etc/appprops/aaiconfig.properties 2021-11-05 18:29:41.700 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:29:42.179 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:29:42.221 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:29:45.848 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:29:45.892 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:29:47.428 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:29:47.452 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:29:48.898 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:29:48.923 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:29:50.611 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:29:50.622 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:29:52.238 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:29:52.248 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:29:54.222 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:29:54.233 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:29:55.704 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:29:55.716 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:29:57.304 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:29:57.317 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:29:59.011 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:29:59.021 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:00.806 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:00.823 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:03.330 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:03.379 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:05.464 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:05.476 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:07.484 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:07.497 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.579 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.605 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.619 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.631 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.649 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.662 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.681 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.691 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.705 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.717 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.733 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.743 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.759 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.768 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.791 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.802 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.821 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.830 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.850 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.859 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.882 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.893 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.912 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.923 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.943 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.953 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:30:09.984 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:30:09.995 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:09.727 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:09.732 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:10.003 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:10.010 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:14.208 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:14.220 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:16.213 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:16.225 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:18.097 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:18.107 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:20.137 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:20.146 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:22.480 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:22.491 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:24.618 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:24.646 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:26.570 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:26.579 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:28.423 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:28.433 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:30.587 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:30.599 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:32.727 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:32.748 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:34.826 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:34.839 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:37.114 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:37.128 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:39.512 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:39.535 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.376 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.382 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.411 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.418 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.434 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.439 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.456 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.461 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.482 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.492 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.510 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.515 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.533 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.541 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.557 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.563 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.583 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.604 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.624 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.630 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.646 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.653 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.674 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.683 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.703 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.712 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:42:42.732 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:42:42.740 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-32] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:18.288 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:18.291 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:18.628 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:18.634 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:23.134 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:23.144 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:25.351 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:25.358 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:27.111 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:27.123 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:29.226 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:29.240 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:31.356 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:31.366 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:33.315 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:33.325 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:35.369 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:35.378 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:36.970 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:36.982 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:38.780 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:38.803 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:41.286 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:41.298 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:43.360 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:43.373 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:45.719 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:45.742 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:48.160 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:48.173 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:50.938 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:50.942 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:50.956 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:50.960 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:50.974 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:50.980 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:50.994 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:50.998 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:51.013 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:51.018 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:51.032 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:51.039 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:51.053 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:51.058 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:51.074 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:51.079 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:51.096 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:51.102 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:51.118 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:51.123 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:51.138 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:51.147 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:51.164 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:51.175 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:51.193 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:51.202 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-35] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:44:51.222 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:44:51.229 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:47:39.306 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:47:39.309 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:47:39.561 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:47:39.568 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:47:44.446 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:47:44.457 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:47:46.444 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:47:46.454 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:47:48.380 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:47:48.404 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:47:50.484 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:47:50.493 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:47:52.666 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:47:52.675 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:47:54.654 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:47:54.665 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:47:57.027 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:47:57.036 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:47:58.803 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:47:58.825 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:01.062 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:01.074 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:02.964 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:02.979 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:05.352 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:05.367 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:07.921 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:07.932 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:10.408 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:10.421 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:21.958 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:21.962 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:21.976 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:21.982 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:21.995 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:21.999 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:22.021 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:22.029 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:22.042 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:22.047 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:22.059 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:22.066 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:22.080 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:22.085 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:22.100 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:22.106 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:22.119 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:22.126 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:22.138 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:22.144 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:22.159 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:22.165 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:22.182 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:22.189 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:22.212 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:22.220 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:22.247 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:22.256 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-31] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting. 2021-11-05 18:48:22.413 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Entering 2021-11-05 18:48:22.422 INFO 1 --- [qtp598325842-33] o.o.l.f.base.AbstractAuditLogFilter : Exiting.