OOM Custom Overrides

The OOM helm deploy plugin requires deployment configuration as input, usually in the form of override yaml files. These input files determine what ONAP components get deployed, and the configuration of the OOM deployment.

Other helm config options like –set log.enabled=true|false are available.

See the helm deploy plugin usage section for more detail, or it the plugin has already been installed, execute the following:

> helm deploy --help

Users can customize the override files to suit their required deployment.


Standard and example override files (e.g. onap-all.yaml, onap-all-ingress-gatewayapi.yaml) can be found in the oom/kubernetes/onap/resources/overrides/ directory.

  • Users can selectively enable or disable ONAP components by changing the enabled: true/false flags.

  • Add to the command line a value for the global master password (ie. –set global.masterPassword=My_superPassw0rd).

Enabling/Disabling Components

Here is an example of the nominal entries that need to be provided. Different values files are available for different contexts.

Default ONAP values.yaml
# Copyright © 2019 Amdocs, Bell Canada
# Copyright (c) 2020 Nordix Foundation, Modifications
# Modifications Copyright © 2020-2021 Nokia
# Modifications Copyright © 2023 Nordix Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Global configuration overrides.
# These overrides will affect all helm charts (ie. applications)
# that are listed below and are 'enabled'.
  # Change to an unused port prefix range to prevent port conflicts
  # with other instances running within the same k8s cluster
  nodePortPrefix: 302
  nodePortPrefixExt: 304

  # ONAP Repository
  # Four different repositories are used
  # You can change individually these repositories to ones that will serve the
  # right images. If credentials are needed for one of them, see below.
  repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
  dockerHubRepository: &dockerHubRepository docker.io
  elasticRepository: &elasticRepository docker.elastic.co
  quayRepository: quay.io
  googleK8sRepository: k8s.gcr.io
  githubContainerRegistry: ghcr.io

  # Default credentials
  # they're optional. If the target repository doesn't need them, comment them
    user: docker
    password: docker
  # If you want / need authentication on the repositories, please set
  # Don't set them if the target repo is the same than others
  # so id you've set repository to value `my.private.repo` and same for
  # dockerHubRepository, you'll have to configure only repository (exclusive) OR
  # dockerHubCred.
  # dockerHubCred:
  #   user: myuser
  #   password: mypassord
  # elasticCred:
  #   user: myuser
  #   password: mypassord
  # googleK8sCred:
  #   user: myuser
  #   password: mypassord

  # common global images
  # Busybox for simple shell manipulation
  busyboxImage: busybox:1.34.1

  # curl image
  curlImage: curlimages/curl:7.80.0

  # env substitution image
  envsubstImage: dibi/envsubst:1

  # generate htpasswd files image
  # there's only latest image for htpasswd
  htpasswdImage: xmartlabs/htpasswd:latest

  # kubenretes client image
  kubectlImage: bitnami/kubectl:1.22.4

  # logging agent
  loggingImage: beats/filebeat:5.5.0

  # mariadb client image
  mariadbImage: bitnami/mariadb:10.5.8

  # nginx server image
  nginxImage: bitnami/nginx:1.21.4

  # postgreSQL client and server image
  postgresImage: crunchydata/crunchy-postgres:centos8-13.2-4.6.1

  # readiness check image
  readinessImage: onap/oom/readiness:6.0.0

  # image pull policy
  pullPolicy: Always

  # default java image
  jreImage: onap/integration-java11:10.0.0

  # default clusterName
  # {{ template "common.fullname" . }}.{{ template "common.namespace" . }}.svc.{{ .Values.global.clusterName }}
  clusterName: cluster.local

  # default mount path root directory referenced
  # by persistent volumes and log files
    mountPath: /dockerdata-nfs
    enableDefaultStorageclass: false
    parameters: {}
    storageclassProvisioner: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner
    volumeReclaimPolicy: Retain

  # Global flag to enable the creation of default roles instead of using
  # common roles-wrapper
  createDefaultRoles: false

  # override default resource limit flavor for all charts
  flavor: unlimited

  # flag to enable debugging - application support required
  debugEnabled: false

  # default password complexity
  # available options: phrase, name, pin, basic, short, medium, long, maximum security
  # More datails: https://www.masterpasswordapp.com/masterpassword-algorithm.pdf
  passwordStrength: long

  # configuration to set log level to all components (the one that are using
  # "common.log.level" to set this)
  # can be overrided per components by setting logConfiguration.logLevelOverride
  # to the desired value
  # logLevel: DEBUG

  # Global ingress configuration
    # generally enable ingress for ONAP components
    enabled: false
    # enable all component's Ingress interfaces
    enable_all: false

    # Provider: ingress, istio, gw-api
    provider: istio
    # Ingress class (only for provider "ingress"): e.g. nginx, traefik
    # Ingress Selector (only for provider "istio") to match with the
    # ingress pod label "istio=ingress"
    ingressSelector: ingress
    # optional: common used Gateway (for Istio, GW-API) and listener names
      name: ""
      httpListener: ""
      httpsListener: ""

    # default Ingress base URL and preAddr- and postAddr settings
    # Ingress URLs result:
    # <preaddr><component.ingress.service.baseaddr><postaddr>.<baseurl>
      # Default Ingress base URL
      # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.baseurlOverride
      baseurl: "simpledemo.onap.org"
      # prefix for baseaddr
      # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.preaddrOverride
      preaddr: ""
      # postfix for baseaddr
      # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.postaddrOverride
      postaddr: ""

    # All http (port 80) requests via ingress will be redirected
    # to port 443 on Ingress controller
    # only valid for Istio Gateway (ServiceMesh enabled)
      ssl: "redirect"
    # you can set an own Secret containing a certificate
    # only valid for Istio Gateway (ServiceMesh enabled)
    #  tls:
    #    secret: 'my-ingress-cert'

    # optional: Namespace of the Istio IngressGateway or Gateway-API
    # only valid for Istio Gateway (ServiceMesh enabled)
    namespace: istio-ingress

  # Global Service Mesh configuration
    enabled: false
    tls: true
    # be aware that linkerd is not well tested
    engine: "istio" # valid value: istio or linkerd

  # Global Istio Authorization Policy configuration
    enabled: false

  # metrics part
  # If enabled, exporters (for prometheus) will be deployed
  # if custom resources set to yes, CRD from prometheus operartor will be
  # created
  # Not all components have it enabled.
    enabled: true
    custom_resources: false

  # Disabling AAF
  # POC Mode, only for use in development environment
  # Keep it enabled in production
  aafEnabled: false

  # Disabling MSB
  # POC Mode, only for use in development environment
  msbEnabled: true

  # default values for certificates
      renewBefore: 720h #30 days
      duration:    8760h #365 days
        organization: "Linux-Foundation"
        country: "US"
        locality: "San-Francisco"
        province: "California"
        organizationalUnit: "ONAP"
        group: certmanager.onap.org
        kind: CMPv2Issuer
        name: cmpv2-issuer-onap

  # Enabling CMPv2
  cmpv2Enabled: false
      clientSecretName: oom-cert-service-client-tls-secret
      keystoreKeyRef: keystore.jks
      truststoreKeyRef: truststore.jks
      keystorePasswordSecretName: oom-cert-service-certificates-password
      keystorePasswordSecretKey: password
      truststorePasswordSecretName: oom-cert-service-certificates-password
      truststorePasswordSecretKey: password

  # Indicates offline deployment build
  # Set to true if you are rendering helm charts for offline deployment
  # Otherwise keep it disabled
  offlineDeploymentBuild: false

  # TLS
  # Set to false if you want to disable TLS for NodePorts. Be aware that this
  # will loosen your security.
  # if set this element will force or not tls even if serviceMesh.tls is set.
  tlsEnabled: false

  # Logging
  # Currently, centralized logging is not in best shape so it's disabled by
  # default
  centralizedLoggingEnabled: &centralizedLogging false

  # Example of specific for the components where you want to disable TLS only for
  # it:
  # if set this element will force or not tls even if global.serviceMesh.tls and
  # global.tlsEnabled is set otherwise.
  # robot:
  #   tlsOverride: false

  # Global storage configuration
  #    Set to "-" for default, or with the name of the storage class
  #    Please note that if you use AAF, CDS, SDC, Netbox or Robot, you need a
  #    storageclass with RWX capabilities (or set specific configuration for these
  #    components).
  # persistence:
  #   storageClass: "-"

# Example of specific for the components which requires RWX:
# cds:
#   cds-blueprints-processor:
#     persistence:
#       storageClassOverride: "My_RWX_Storage_Class"
# sdc:
#   sdc-onboarding-be:
#     persistence:
#       storageClassOverride: "My_RWX_Storage_Class"

# Enable/disable and configure helm charts (ie. applications)
# to customize the ONAP deployment.

  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
    enabled: false
    enabled: false
    enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
    # openstack configuration
    openStackRegion: "Yolo"
    openStackVNFTenantId: "1234"
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
    # openStackEncryptedPasswordHere should match the encrypted string used in SO and overridden per environment
    openStackEncryptedPasswordHere: "c124921a3a0efbe579782cde8227681e"
  enabled: false
  enabled: false

  replicaCount: 1

    replicaCount: 1
  enabled: false

  replicaCount: 1

    # necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
    # in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
    enabled: false

  # so server configuration
    # message router configuration
    dmaapTopic: "AUTO"
    # openstack configuration
    openStackUserName: "vnf_user"
    openStackRegion: "RegionOne"
    openStackKeyStoneUrl: ""
    openStackServiceTenantName: "service"
    openStackEncryptedPasswordHere: "c124921a3a0efbe579782cde8227681e"

  # in order to enable static password for so-monitoring uncomment:
  # so-monitoring:
  #   server:
  #     monitoring:
  #       password: demo123456!

  enabled: false
  # Kafka replication & disk storage should be dimensioned
  # according to each given system use case.
  replicaCount: 3
      size: 10Gi
      size: 1Gi
  # Strimzi kafka bridge is an optional http api towards
  # kafka provided by https://strimzi.io/docs/bridge/latest/
    enabled: false

  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: true
  enabled: true

ONAP “Production” Setup

The production setup deploys ONAP components exposing its external services via Ingress with TLS termination. Internal traffic encryption will be ensured by using Istio ServiceMesh.

For external access we start to establish Authentication via Oauth2-proxy and Keycloak, which will be completed in the coming release.

To enable both “ServiceMesh” and “Ingress” configuration entries need to be set before deployment.

Service Mesh and Ingress configuration

Global settings relevant for ServiceMesh and Ingress:

    # generally enable ingress for ONAP components
    enabled: true
    # enable all component's Ingress interfaces
    enable_all: false

    # Provider: ingress, istio, gw-api
    provider: gw-api
    # Ingress class (only for provider "ingress"): e.g. nginx, traefik
    # Ingress Selector (only for provider "istio") to match with the
    # ingress pod label "istio=ingress"
    ingressSelector: ingress
    # optional: common used Gateway (for Istio, GW-API) and listener names
      name: ""
      httpListener: ""
      httpsListener: ""

    # default Ingress base URL
    # All http requests via ingress will be redirected
      # Default Ingress base URL
      # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.baseurlOverride
      baseurl: "simpledemo.onap.org"
      # prefix for baseaddr
      # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.preaddrOverride
      preaddr: ""
      # postfix for baseaddr
      # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.postaddrOverride
      postaddr: ""
    # All http requests via ingress will be redirected on Ingress controller
    # only valid for Istio Gateway (ServiceMesh enabled)
      ssl: "redirect"
    # you can set an own Secret containing a certificate
    # only valid for Istio Gateway (ServiceMesh enabled)
    #  tls:
    #    secret: 'my-ingress-cert'
    # optional: Namespace of the Istio IngressGateway
    # only valid for Istio Gateway (ServiceMesh enabled)
    namespace: istio-ingress
    enabled: true
    tls: true
    # be aware that linkerd is not well tested
    engine: "istio" # valid value: istio or linkerd
  aafEnabled: false
  cmpv2Enabled: false
  tlsEnabled: false
  msbEnabled: false

ServiceMesh settings:

  • enabled: true → enables ServiceMesh functionality in the ONAP Namespace (Istio: enables Sidecar deployment)

  • tls: true → enables mTLS encryption in Sidecar communication

  • engine: istio → sets the SM engine (currently only Istio is supported)

  • aafEnabled: false → disables AAF usage for TLS interfaces

  • tlsEnabled: false → disables creation of TLS in component services

  • cmpv2Enabled: false → disable cmpv2 feature

  • msbEnabled: false → MSB is not used in Istio setup (Open, if all components are MSB independend)

Ingress settings:

  • enabled: true → enables Ingress using: Nginx (when SM disabled), Istio IngressGateway (when SM enabled)

  • enable_all: true → enables Ingress configuration in each component

  • provider: “…” → sets the Ingress provider (ingress, istio, gw-api)

  • ingressClass: “” → Ingress class (only for provider “ingress”): e.g. nginx, traefik

  • ingressSelector: “” → Selector (only for provider “istio”) to match with the ingress pod label “istio=ingress”

  • commonGateway: “” → optional: common used Gateway (for Istio, GW-API) and http(s) listener names

  • virtualhost.baseurl: “simpledemo.onap.org” → sets globally the URL for all Interfaces set by the components,

    resulting in e.g. “aai-api.simpledemo.onap.org”, can be overwritten in the component via: ingress.baseurlOverride

  • virtualhost.preaddr: “pre-” → sets globally a prefix for the Application name for all Interfaces set by the components,

    resulting in e.g. “pre-aai-api.simpledemo.onap.org”, can be overwritten in the component via: ingress.preaddrOverride

  • virtualhost.postaddr: “-post” → sets globally a postfix for the Application name for all Interfaces set by the components,

    resulting in e.g. “aai-api-post.simpledemo.onap.org”, can be overwritten in the component via: ingress.postaddrOverride

  • config.ssl: redirect → sets in the Ingress globally the redirection of all Interfaces from http (port 80) to https (port 443)

  • config.tls.secret: “…” → (optional) overrides the default selfsigned SSL certificate with a certificate stored in the specified secret

  • namespace: istio-ingress → (optional) overrides the namespace of the ingress gateway which is used for the created SSL certificate


For the Ingress setup example override files (onap-all-ingress-istio.yaml, onap-all-ingress-gatewayapi.yaml) can be found in the oom/kubernetes/onap/resources/overrides/ directory.

External Authentication configuration

For enabling of external authentication via Oauth2-Proxy and Keycloak the following settings have to be done in the ONAP values override. It will enable the deployment of the ONAP Realm to Keycloak and installation and integration of the Oauth2-Proxy as external Auth-Provider.

  enabled: true
    enabled: false
    enabled: true
    enabled: true