ONAP Operations Manager Release Notes
Previous Release Notes
This document provides the release notes for the Honolulu release.
The focus of this release is to strengthen the foundation of OOM installer.
Release Data
Project |
Docker images |
N/A |
Release designation |
Honolulu |
Release date |
2021/04/29 |
New features
Kubernetes support for version up to 1.20
Helm support for version up to 3.5
Limits are set for most of the components
Portal-Cassandra image updated to Bitnami, supporting IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack
CMPv2 external issuer implemented which extends Cert-Manager with ability to enroll X.509 certificates from CMPv2 servers
New version for mariadb galera using Bitnami image, supporting IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack
Bump version of common PostgreSQL and ElasticSearch
Move to automatic certificates retrieval for 80% of the components
Consistent retrieval of docker images, with ability to configure proxy for the 4 repositories used by ONAP
Bug fixes
A list of issues resolved in this release can be found here: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/projects/OOM/versions/11073
major issues solved:
Better handling of persistence on PostgreSQL
Better Ingress templating
Better Service templating
Known Issues
OOM-2554 Common pods have java 8
OOM-2435 SDNC karaf shell: log:list: Error executing command: Unrecognized configuration
OOM-2629 NetBox demo entry setup not complete
OOM-2706 CDS Blueprint Processor does not work with local DB
OOM-2713 Problem on onboarding custom cert to SDNC ONAP during deployment
OOM-2698 SO helm override fails in for value with multi-level replacement
OOM-2697 SO with local MariaDB deployment fails
OOM-2538 strange error with CertInitializer template
OOM-2547 Health Check failures seen after bringing down/up control plane & worker node VM instances on which ONAP hosted
OOM-2699 SO so-mariadb readinessCheck fails for local MariaDB instance
OOM-2705 SDNC DB installation fails on local MariaDB instance
OOM-2603 [SDNC] allign password for scaleoutUser/restconfUser/odlUser
Software Deliverables
OOM provides Helm charts that needs to be “compiled”.
Documentation Deliverables
Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds
Known Vulnerabilities
Hard coded password used for all OOM deployments [OJSI-188]
Hard coded certificates <../oom_hardcoded_certificates> in Helm packages
https://github.com/bitnami/charts/issues Workaround is to generate a password with “short” strength or pregenerate passwords without single quote in it. Default deployment is using “short” password generation for mariadb.
Security Notes
Fixed Security Issues
For more information on the ONAP Frankfurt release, please see: